Event Calendar

The next 20 Events, since 16/04/2005.

Current students activitesGeneral meetingProfessional developmentRecreationSeminar

16/04/2005Visit KMB Kowloon Bay depot visit
27 alumni and students participated in this event.
24/06/2006Visit One Day Study Mission to China - Technical Visit and Professional Seminar
FULL Morning - Technical Visit 1) Chen Hsong Industrial Park 2) Eva Group Lunch - Sponsored by Chen Hsong Holdings Ltd. Afternoon - Professional Seminar 1) I-Chen ERP System; Manufacturing System Mr. Peter S.S. Chiu, Manager, New Product Development, Chen Hsong Holdings, Ltd. 2) The ways to capitalize on RoHS & WEEE Directives for advancing cooperate competitiveness Mr. Clement Li Senior Consultant, HKPC
11/05/2007Visit Technical Visit to Dongfeng Nissan
The IGDS Alumni and IGDS Admin Unit have jointly organized a technical vsit to Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Co. in Huadu, Guangzhou. For details and enrollment, please click following link for online registration. http://www.igds.polyu.edu.hk/igdsevent/enrol_nissan.asp
02/07/2007Visit Technical Visit to TTI in DongGuan
Program Rundown: 9:00 Assembly at Huanggang, Shenzhen & take the coach to Dongguan 10:30 Co. orientation & presentation on ROHS (HSPM system) 11:00 Plant tour - Headquarter : Packing, R&D, Test Lab, machine work shop 12:00 - 13:30 lunch at Hou jie 14:00 Plant tour - DC power tool factory 14:45 Return to Huanggang, Shenzhen 16:30 Dismiss at Shenzhen Maximum no. of participant : 50 Fee: HKD200 per head (non-refundable, including lunch and round trip transportation from Shenzhen to Dongguan). Payment : - before 28 June 2007 1) By direct deposit - IGDS Alumni Hang Seng Bank account: 222-4-026092. Fax your pay-in slip to fax no. 2764 4471 or scan your pay-in slip and email it to 2) Cheque - made payable to "WPUMAA" and send to the IGDS Office, Room EF 611, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon.
27/02/2009Visit Vist to HACTL Super Terminal 1
Visit loading area, fully automated warehouse, handling of perishable goods at Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminal Ltd. Super Terminal 1.
21/05/2009Visit Visit to HKSAR Government Standards and Calibration Laboratory
Venue: 35/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Organizer: MILES Alumni Association of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Interested participants please contact Ms. Carrie Cheung, email: mfcarrie@inet.polyu.edu.hk
12/06/2009Visit Visit to Cyberport
Routing: Visitor Centre, Digital Media Centre, IBMS Room, Chilled Plant Room Enrollment should be sent to Ms Carrie Cheung General Secretary, MILES Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (MILESAA) Tel: 3400 3185 Email: mfcarrie@inet.polyu.edu.hk
27/06/2009Visit Dongguan Logistics Visit & Lychee tour
A visit to Dongguan Ever Gain Logistics Centre, Sun Sha Pier and lychee park organised by Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association Interested alumni are requested to enroll and pay the fee HK$220 per person directly to Secretariat of HKSTLA. For enquiries, please contact Paul Li, paul@transland.com.hk
04/09/2009Visit Technical Visit to Dunwell
About Dunwell Taking residence of a total of 100,000 sq. ft. in Hong Kong's Yuen Long Industrial Estate, Dunwell is the largest independent waste oil treatment and disposal plant in Hong Kong and Asia. Their Vibrating Membrane Advanced Treatment (VMAT) Technology received the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Environment Award in London, UK; the Bronze Prize from the Wall Street Journal Asia - Asian Innovation Awards 2006 in Singapore; and the Grand Award of the 2005 Hong Kong Award for the Industry: Machinery and Equipment Design. Rundown 14:30 Assemble at Exit F of Yuen Long West Rail Station 14:40 depart to Yuen Long Industrial Estate 15:00 Arrive at Dunwell 15:05 Welcome & presentation of Dunwell’s green vision 15:35 Plant tour 16:15 Q&A 16:30 depart Dunwell Participation Fee: Free of charge (seats are limited, prior registration is required on first-come-first-serve basis) Max. No. of participants: 40
01/07/2010Visit Technical Visit to EuAuto and Kingdom Fine Metal
Assembly time and location: 9:00 at Huang Gang, PR China (皇岡口岸過關後出閘口, near shop #12, just beneath the walkway bridge) Fees: HKD 120 per head (include transport from Huang Gang to Dong Guan and back, lunch and accident insurance of HKD100,000); travelling expense between Huang Gang and HK has to be borne by participants Rundown: 9:15 – 10:45 Transport to EuAuto, production site of “MyCar” in Tang Xia, Dong Guan 10:45 – 12:30 Presentation and visit assembly line of “MyCar” 12:30 – 14:15 Transport & lunch at Guan Lan 14:15 – 14:30 Transport to Kingdom Fine Metal in Guan Lan 14:30 – 16:30 Presentation and visit Kingdom Fine Metal 16:30 – 17:30 Transport back to Huang Gang and dismiss
06/08/2010Visit Technical Visit to EMSD Headquarters
The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) headquarters building in Kowloon Bay is a seven-storey building comprising offices, vehicle workshops and electronics workshops. The building was a winner of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects 2004 Annual Award Merit Award. It has a number of features that enhance energy efficiency and use of renewable energy. Among them, the solar photovoltaic system installed on the roof is the largest of its kind in Hong Kong. The technical visit will provide an opportunity to understand the design, installation and operation of the building and also to understand the development of energy efficiency and renewable energy.
24/09/2010Visit Visit to CASL
China Aircraft Services Ltd. (CASL) was founded in 1995 to provide aircraft line maintenance, cabin cleaning and ground support equipment services. With the opening of its aircraft maintenance hangar at Hong Kong International Airport in May 2009, CASL is capable to providing higher aircraft line maintenance and base mainteance services to worldwide airline customers. Interested person please enroll before 17 September 2010. Pirority will be given to IGDS Alumni members on first-come-first-serve basis. As the hanger is within Restricted Area, visitor must provide HKID/passport no. to apply for permit. Please input your details in the remark field.
04/06/2011Visit Visit to Dongguan Tao Heung Logistic Centre & Museum
東莞萬好食品有限公司是香港上市飲食集團稻香控股有限公司屬下第二所食品加工廠, 是集採購、生產、配送功能的物流中心, 以下簡稱[萬好食品]. 萬好食品佔地80畝, 整個項目投資接近3億人民幣, 單是生產廠房已佔資2.1億人民幣. 生產廠房總面積達21,798平方米. 設計產能為每年60,000噸, 廠內設備先進, 更斥資約七百萬元添置SAP-ERP全球最大眾企業資源計劃)軟體系統. 萬好食品經營理念包括[安全] 、[衛生] 、[優質]. 都按國家標準進行嚴格檢驗, 達到食物安全重點控制標準和中國IQC要求. 東莞「稻香飲食文化博物館」 博物館內珍藏了許多古今中外飲食文獻、文物和用具,令人感嘆飲食文化的博大精深,對稻香古為今用、洋為中用,勇於創新的精神油然起敬。 東莞可園 - 四大名園之一 東莞可園位於東莞市莞城區博廈社區北面,爲清代廣東四大名園之一,也是嶺南園林的代表作,前人贊爲“可羨人間福地,園誇天上仙宮”。與順德清暉園、佛山梁園、番禺余蔭山房合稱清代粵中四大名園。始建於清朝道光三十年(西元1850年),爲莞城人張敬修所建,此人以捐錢得官,官至廣西按察,後被免職回鄉,便修建可園,咸豐八年(西元1858年)全部建成。可園占地面積2200平方米,外緣呈三角形,園內有一樓、六閣、五亭、六台、五池、三橋、十九廳、十五間房,其名多以“可”字命名,如可樓、可軒、可堂、可洲…,其建築是清一色的水磨青磚結構。最高建築可樓,高15.6米,沿樓側石階可登頂樓的邀石閣,四面明窗,飛簷展翅,憑窗可眺莞城景色。http://baike.baidu.com/view/401774.htm Pritority booking for HKSTLA members Fee: HK$350 for IGDS members (including coach, lunch & ticket to park) Enquiries, please contact HKSTLA Secretariat, tel. 2300 1685 or email: renata@hkstla.org
09/07/2011Visit Experiencing Tour - See the Unseen
You are invited to join an experiencing tour - to see the unseen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJkTPDPrfh4&feature=related Our life in city is fast and busy. Rarely, we stop to see and feel what is happening around us. Give a break of yourself - to discover Hong Kong, the place where you grow up and live in, that you will never see! Close your eyes, you are immersed into complete darkness, see the unseen world and feel the untouched part of your heart! Dialogue in the Dark (DiD) is a social enterprise originated from Germany. It devotes to bridging the gap between people with visually impairment and the community by creating dignified jobs for visually impaired people. In the dark, role is changed. Through the professionally trained visually impaired tour guides, we will understand more about the ability of the blind people and learn more about empathy, diversity and inclusion. Also, our guides will lead us to explore 5 different exciting environments with sounds, smells, temperature and textures. This experience tour definitely helps you re-discover Hong Kong like never before and appreciate each environment without light; there is much beauty in the world to be found. For more details about the tour, please visit http://www.dialogue-in-the-dark.hk 或許你曾經參觀過世界各地的好多的地方- 可能是全世界最古舊的? 或是最宏偉的? 最輝煌的? 甚至是最華麗的? 也許每一個印象仍然歷歷在目, 每一個影像清晰的印在相片中. 但同一天空下, 有一個地方 – 可能是最古老, 可能是最宏偉, 又或是最輝煌, 或是最華麗 – 你留不下半點影像. 你可以聽到它的聲音, 摸到它的形狀,聞到它的氣息, 感受到它的真實. 一個歷時1.5小時的非一般旅程 – 黑暗中對話體驗館 . 一個源於德國的體驗, 一個佈滿世界不同角落的體驗館, 一個超過萬人已體驗過的旅程. 邀請你 – 用你雙眼睛去看一個看不見的世界! Fee: adult - HK$150/person, full time student concession - HK$75/person Participants: 24 seats have been reserved for IGDS, first come first serve
13/06/2014Visit Visit to Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal
You are cordially invited to join the visit to Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal, the largest cargo terminal in the world. This new terminal was officially unveiled in February 2014 though full operation had been started in October 2013. The design and infrastructure enable the terminal to handle a throughput of 2.6 million tonnes per year and expands Hong Kong International Airport’s annual cargo capacity by 50 percent to 7.4 million tonnes. The terminal can handle different types of cargo, including • Perishable Cargo • Large Animal • Cool Room Storage Goods • Dangerous Goods and Radioactive Goods • Valuable Cargo • Mini-Shipment • Twenty-foot Container More details can be found in the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcISMbPmJoc Time of Assembly: 14:00 Place of Assembly: Tung Chung MTR Station Exit B Seat capacity: 30 (Priority is given to IGDSAA Members and Associates) Fee: HK$50 (for administration), to be collected on spot at place of assembly. Lunch & transportation are not inclusive. The Association will reserve the right to collect the above said fee from those enrolled but not attend. Certificate of attendance will be issued to participants at close of the visit day. Please provide your full name (same as on HKID), organization/company and title to apply for restricted area permit.
27/08/2014Visit Visit to Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal
Due to overwhelming interest shown in the visit on 13 June 2014, the Alumni Association has requested for another visit in August. Details of the visit as follows: Time of Assembly: 14:00 Place of Assembly: Tung Chung MTR Station Exit B Seat capacity: 15 (Priority is given to IGDSAA Members and Associates) Fee: HK$50 (for administration), to be collected on spot at place of assembly. Lunch & transportation are not inclusive. The Association will reserve the right to collect the above said fee from those enrolled but not attend. Certificate of attendance will be provided to participants at close of the visit day. Please provide your full name (same as on HKID), organization/company and title to apply for restricted area permit.
18/10/2014Visit Technical Visit to Ngong Ping 360
Ngong Ping 360 is destined to be one of Hong Kong’s “must see” tourist attractions on Lantau Island. Opened in September 2006, Ngong Ping cable car is a 5.7 km long bi-cable gondola lift system (haul and track ropes) linking between Tung Chung and Ngong Ping. It is the longest one in Asia of the same system, with only 8 towers built. The magnificent scene and panoramic view of Lantau Island are embedded in the eyesight during the cable car journey! The operations and maintenance is crucial for ensuring safe and pleasant journeys of passengers. Meanwhile, the construction was successfully designed to minimize to the least environmental impacts. This event aims at visiting the garage and control facilities of Ngong Ping 360 so visitors could understand the design, daily operations as well as the strategies of maintenance, safety, control and emergency of the cable car system. The technical introduction and visit will last for 2-3 hours in the morning. Afterwards, participants can enjoy at discounted price for a cable car ride from Tung Chung to Ngong Ping. Participants can enjoy their free time at Ngong Ping Village until 18:00 for last ride back to Tung Chung. Fee: $180 per person, include crystal cabin cable car ride from Tung Chung to Ngong Ping, standard cabin from Ngong Ping to Tung Chung and administration charge; transportation to Tung Chung and lunch are not inclusive Life and Ordinary members will be of first priority (even if remainling seat is 0). Associates and Students will be of second priority. Notice of payment will be sent to successful applicants. The Executive Committee reserves the right for final confirmation of seats.
22/05/2015Visit Xiamen Technical Visit Tour
Xiamen Technical Visit Tour is our signature event of the year. A 3-day-2-night trip comprises of the visiting to Tianma Microelectronics production plant (leading producer of LCD display module) for half day. In addition, another half day of visiting Kingtronics Industrial (leading electronic assembly OEM and ODM company with BGA, SMT technologies etc.) plus the Hong Tai Concert Hall and Conference Complex. The visit of the renowned Gulangsu is another attraction of the trip. The sightseeing of the Xiamen city spots is also on the itinerary. Time of Assembly: 08:30 (Punctual!) Place of Assembly: Shenzhen NORTH Train Station – Front entrance of Gate A High-speed train schedule (sharp on time): May 22 – 動車車次D3126(09:07-12:56) May 24 – 動車車次D2287(15:43-19:26) *** Train ticket: Full Chinese and English names, and Mainland Permit Number, have to be provided! Day 1: Visit of Tianma Microelectronics production plant Day 2: Visit of Gulangsu and city tour Day 3: Visit of Kingtronics Industrial, Hong Tai Concert Hall and conference complex Package – Accommodation: 4-5 stars hotel, share twin with breakfast Train: Return ticket for Shenzhen North and Xiamen North Meals: 2-lunch and 2-dinner Others: Entrance ticket for scenic spots, coach, and tourist guide Charge: HKD1900 Deadline of registration with payment: April 27, 2015 Payment method: Hang Seng Bank account (AA’s) – 222-4-026092 with bank-in slip and name(s) Insurance: Not covered in the package. Suggested buy by own self Transport: Lok Ma Chau => Futian => Subway #4 (around 35 mins from SZ to SZ north) => 10-min walk to boarding gate for assembly 落馬洲支線=>褔田口岸=>深圳地鐵4號線(龍華線)=>深圳北站 For enquiries, please contact Elinor Cheuk at elinorc@netvigator.com We look forward to having your participation, and let’s enjoy the tour!
06/06/2015Visit Technical Visit to Zero Carbon Building
The first Zero Carbon Building (ZCB), established in year 2012 by the Construction Industry Council collaborated with HKSAR, consists of a total area of 14,700 m2 with a footprint of 1,400 m2 and a landscape area for public use. This is a signature project to showcase the state-of-art eco-building design and technologies locally and internationally. In addition, the ZCB helps to raise the community awareness of the low carbon living. The visit will cover the areas of exhibition gallery, eco-office, eco-home, viewing platform, plant room, urban native woodland, constructed wetland, eco café, air tree etc. Participants will have an opportunity to understand the key facilities of the ZCB and the green technologies deployed. Students are reminded to bring along with the student card. Details: Time of Assembly: 13:30 Place of Assembly: Main entrance of the Zero Carbon Building Fee: HK$50/person ( Admission fee inclusive) Language: Cantonese Speaker: Representative from Construction Industry Council (CIC) HK$50 will be charged at the assembly point. Certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the visit. For enquiries, please contact Ir. Lam Tat Ming at email: tmlam1188@gmail.com
25/07/2015Visit Technical Visit to Kowloon Bay Waste Recycling Centre
The current practice of disposing of food waste at landfills is not sustainable in Hong Kong. Reducing food waste deposal at landfills is a challenge of HKSAR. To gain experience and comprehensive information on collection of source separating food waste or treating the source-separated food waste is necessary. A Pilot Composting Plant was set up by the Environmental Protection Department at the Kowloon Bay Waste Recycling Centre in mid-2008. The pilot plant comprises an enclosed pre-treatment area, in-vessel composting units, curing pads, product screens and biofilters. The pilot plant can process 500 tons of food waste per year and can produce about 50 tons of compost. Compost can be used as a soil amendment, herb gardening and landscapes. Participants will have a chance to get a full picture of food waste management and learn food waste treatment process. Details: Time of Assembly: 9:45 am Place of Assembly: Main entrance of Kowloon Bay Waste Recycling Centre Fee: HK$50/person Language: Cantonese HK$50 will be charged at the assembly point. Certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the visit. For enquiries, please contact Ir. Lam Tat Ming at email:tmlam1188@gmail.com

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