Event Calendar

The next 20 Events, since 05/12/2009.

Current students activitesGeneral meetingProfessional developmentRecreationSeminar

05/12/2009Recreation Annual Dinner 2009
Venue: Hilltop Country Club, Room 1 & 2 10 Hilltop Road, Lo Wai, Tsuen Wan, N.T. 4:00 - 6:00 pm sports games 6:30 - 7:00 pm Annual General Meeting 7:00 - 7:30 pm reception 7:30 - 10:00 pm buffet dinner Fee: HK$300 for member, $350 for non-member, $200 for children below 12 Sports games include badminton, tennis, table tennis, squash, billard, golf driving range. The facility is free for our use for 2 hours, bring your rackets and balls and play with your alumni. Lawrie Yeung would like to organize a tennis playgroup. Johnson Lau would be happy to guide those who want to try golf for the first time, come and learn it in the driving range. There is free shuttle bus from Tsuen Wan MTR to Hilltop Country Club, please refer to http://www.hilltopcountryclub.com/location.php for location and bus schedule.
06/02/2010Recreation Green Power Hike 2010
Green Power Hike is one of the largest charitable walkathons in Hong Kong. Last year we oganized 2 teams to join the 25km walk. This year we would like more alumni to participate and plan to form more teams (3 - 4 persons in one team) to join the 10km walk. If you are interested to join, please contact Tiffany Wong, tiffanyw719@yahoo.com.hk for details. Walking is a good exercise to health. Raising fund for environmental education is a contribution to our community. Let's do it! For more information about the hike, please visit http://www.greenpower.org.hk/new/activities/2010_hiking/chi/detail_pages_a.html
14/03/2010Recreation PolyU Alumni Homecoming Carnival
The PolyU Alumni Homecoming Carnival is a biennial event, comprising various programmes, aims to cultivate closer links between the university and its graduates by bring them back to campus for a one-day family fun-fair. The football team of our alumni will join the inter-alumni 7-a-side soccer competition, our matches will be at 14:20 - 14:40 against HKCCAA 香港專上學院 15:20 - 15:40 against LSGIAA 土地測量及地理資訊 Come and cheer up our team. We will also have a game booth, to throw balls into holes (marked with module names), to promote IGDS among PolyU alumni. We need helper to be on duty at the booth: 09:00 - 12:00 setup, testing & commissioning 12:00 - 15:00 opening ceremony, receive guests, monitor game playing 15:00 - 18:00 receive guests, monitor game playing, clean up If you can help, please send your name, email address and contact phone no. to recreation@igds-alumni.org; we will contact you for details. Each helper will get a certificate of appreciation.
27/03/2010Recreation Music Night
Venue: Musical Studio, Rm 201, 2/F., 23 Hillwood Road, Tsimshatusi, Kowloon Come & relax, listen to music, watch photos & video of PolyU Alumni Home coming carnival, karaoke, dance. Bring your musical instrument if you like to play & share with a small audience. Fee: HK$138 for adult, under 12 - 70%, hand baby $20 Please refer to http://www.cafemusical.com.hk/index.do for location and envrionment.
15/04/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league - IGDS Alumni vs 至Goal聯盟
This is the first match of our football team in the league, come and cheer them up!
19/04/2010Recreation HK-7 federation of football league - 佛羅倫斯 vs IGDS Alumni
2nd match of our football team, come and cheer them up!
01/05/2010Recreation Visit to GeoPark (東壩六角柱地質之謎 )
主題 : 香港有火山嗎?原來在侏羅紀中期(約1億8000萬年前),西貢半島東大部分地區都是典型的火山岩地形,布滿由酸性熔岩及火山灰形成的岩層。這些熔岩及火山灰冷卻後凝固,成為今天所見的巨型六角形岩柱,加上仳鄰隔岸的破邊洲,鬼斧神工般的岩牆,成為西貢最獨特的地質特徵之一。萬宜水庫位處群山與灣岸之間,是西貢半島著名的風景名勝,也是全港儲水量最多的水庫。 細小的香港竟緼藏豐富的礦物,位於吐露港旁高山上的 馬鞍山礦場,曾是香港規模最大的採礦場,在1906年起開採鐵及磁鐵等礦物,含鐵量高達56%。1950至1970年代是馬鞍山礦場最鼎盛時期,員工連家屬超過5,000人,而每天每天出產鐵砂達八百多噸。 特色 : 1) 認識香港火山口位置 2) 認識西頁地質與地貌 3) 探討六角柱形成過程 4) 為何岩石會扭彎摺曲 5) 什麼是地殼運動 6) 含鐵量實驗小測試 7) 認識馬鞍山昔日礦場作業 行程 : 08:45 東鐵九龍塘根得道F出口(近7-11)便利店集合 (認旅行家旗) 10:15 到達萬宜水庫東壩 10:30 漫步東壩地質徑,認識六角柱狀凝灰岩 12:30 離開東壩 13:00 於西貢午膳 14:30 前往馬鞍山郊野公園參觀「240運輸龍」礦洞口 16:15 乘車回程 17:00 返扺集合地點解散
04/05/2010Recreation HK-7 香港業餘足球聯賽會
3rd match against 雅薩
17/05/2010Recreation HK-7 香港業餘足球聯賽會
4th match against TEN
24/05/2010Recreation HK-7 香港業餘足球聯賽會
5th match against 展聯
02/06/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league
IGDS Alumni VS NE United
09/06/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league
數虎 VS IGDS Alumni
15/06/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league
IGDS Alumni VS 深井村永合堂
25/06/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league
IGDS Alumni VS 盤羊足球隊
09/07/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league
IGDS Alumni VS 佛羅倫斯
15/07/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league
IGDS Alumni VS 馬友
23/07/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league
盤羊足球隊 VS IGDS Alumni
28/07/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league
IGDS Alumni VS 百利堡
25/08/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league
IGDS Alumni VS 展聯
31/08/2010Recreation HK-7 Federation of football league
IGDS Alumni VS 雅薩

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