Event Calendar

The next 3 Events, since 21/06/2014.

Current students activitesGeneral meetingProfessional developmentRecreationSeminar

25/08/2018Professional development 解決香港住屋供求問題專題研討
Date; 25 August 2018 (Saturday) Time: 14:00-16:00 一個實際解決香港房屋問題與住宅單位供求失衡的方案 近年來,香港的人口不斷增長,導致房屋短缺等一系列問題。香港政府提出土地供應問題大辯論,希望能找出共識,找到新的土來源,多建房屋,解決房屋問題。在這樣的背景下,我們邀請到專業人士陸宏廣博士,為我們進行專題研討和分享。 專題內容: 先解決中小型住宅單住供求〝失衡〞問題,香港房屋問題就迎刃而解:繼而紓緩土地供應,各種社會與政治問題;有助推動中國大陸城鎮化建設,解决缺少用地的問題:亦適用於其他發達國家及地區。 陸宏廣博士 Ir Dr John Wang Kwong Luk. Chartered Engineer, AP, RSE, Barrister /Arbitrator / Adjudicator / Mediator. B.Sc(Eng), M.Sc(Eng), P.D.C.E., M.B.A., Ph.D., LL.B., LL
22/09/2018Professional development Distinguished Alumni Works Experience Share Talk
Over the years, IGDS graduates were from various fields of work.Having learnt the knowledge from the courses, they continued to explore their business development in new horizons. IGDSAA have invited two distinguished alumnus who have achieved an extraordinary business development and would like to share their experiences and strategy. All alumni and current students are all invited to join this seminar and hereby is the bibliography of the two speakers. Mr. Thomas Chiu (B.Sc. M.Sc. LL.B. EMBA) Professionally trained as a physiotherapist, Mr. Thomas Chiu ventured into the business field subsequently. He has taken up regional positions in the French company Bacou-Dalloz followed by Fortune 100 US gigantic conglomerate Honeywell. He is in charge of business and execution of joint-development plans to major clients, distribution partners and governmental authorities throughout his region. He specializes in branding and business process re-engineering. With his expertise in the industry as well as his experience in managing multinational business, he has been invited as guest speaker in different government departments and universities in Asia. Moreover, Mr. Chiu is a writer of Headline News 《New Ideas in Management》 (商識滿天下) column and also the founder of the popular 《Octopus Parents》 (八爪魚家長) series column in Mingpao and other media. Mr. Chiu founded Octopus Group, focusing in education and entertainment service for children. In three years Octopus Group has expended to Shenzhen and Dongguan and it was acquired by listed company in Hong Kong for further development. Currently Mr. Chiu is a partner of Fullerene Consulting which provides PR, business strategic consultation and execution services to private and listed companies. Mr. Chiu is also the program director of SME NEXT Academy which aims to assist SMEs in Hong Kong to explore and expand in new markets. Mr. Chiu was an Appointed Member of the Tsuen Wan District Council of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of The People Republic of China, a Past President of the Rotary Club of Central under Rotary International District 3450, and also a member of the Youth Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Ms. Bonnie Lam (B.Sc. Honor, M.Sc. Distinction) • WSET 葡萄酒及烈酒第二級認證 • 曾任職燈光工程界六年 • 2015年成立「營樂 NutriAlley」,希望讓有食物敏感及特別飲食人士重新享 受進食的樂趣,業務主要為入口及批發零售歐美無敏食品。 • 2018年成立「國際無敏食品協會」,從教育層面﹑外出用餐和家庭角度出發, 以服務層面為主,希望提供更全面的飲食解決方案,直接祝福到更多家庭。 • 2018年7月6-8日主辨了首個「香港無敏節」—全亞洲第一個關於無敏食品的 大型活動。以1,111個無麩質無蛋奶麵包砌出字「FREE」成功創下健力士世 界紀錄,喻意無致源和食得自由。現亦負責研發無敏食品及為協會無敏烘焙 班導師。 • 曾接受多間謀體訪問及擔任演講嘉賓,包括東方日報,am730,明報,文匯報,香港商報,U Magazine,Like Magazine,新城電台,香港電台,香港基督教服務處傳播中心,基督教今日報,天使心雜誌,創世電視,飲食男女,NowTV等。
21/09/2019Professional development Visit of Industry 4.0 Awardee - Ka Shui Group
Ka Shui Group (Ka Shui) being a Hong Kong company established in 1980, has begun setting up production bases in Shenzhen and Huizhou since 1986. It is a leading company specializing in magnesium, aluminum and zinc alloy die casting, and plastic injection moulding. Ka Shui provides a variety of one stop services to local and world renowned 3C electronics, automobile and household companies Since this factory visit is organized by MILESAA, therefore, confirmations will be sent by MILESAA to successful applicants by email after the registration deadline. (Free Course) Should you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Winnie Yu (2766 6628, miles.aa@polyu.edu.hk) . Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScA-iwkm38UllmGyBokogAEwh5F4JIDU8T9dNlpbFbPpwP0sg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

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