Event Calendar

The next 20 Events, since 18/02/2012.

Current students activitesGeneral meetingProfessional developmentRecreationSeminar

18/02/2012Current students activites PMA + Project Sharing Session
In order to get the IGDS qualification, there are two very important gates to pass. First, the PMA (post-module assignments) and second, the PROJECT. For the PMA, students must get a minimum pass mark, or it will lead to a re-take of module. Failed students will take months to re-take and re-do the PMA. Moreover, there is a loss of HKD10,000 on each re-take module. According to past records, the estimated time for students to get the PMA results from the department will be about 4 to 6 months. Therefore, students will have difficulties to access their own abilities and have no idea on how to improve their performance. The PMA sharing session is designed by alumni who were graduated in recent years, they will share with current students on below areas: - Preparation of PMA - Common mistakes on PMA - What is plagiarism, what is the penalties and how to avoid it - How to get high marks in PMA After the presentation, there will be a Q&A session for students who are having further difficulties on PMA. Or, for students who are determined to get distinction. After the PMA session, there will be the PROJECT session. We will go through all the basics of PROJECT and share experience on tackling it. Fees: Free of Charge for IGDS students or IGDSAA members.
31/03/2012Recreation Explore Mai Po
The IGDS Alumni Association works with WWF to organize a visit to the Mai Po Nature Reserve on 31st March 2012. In this 3-hour tour, we will be guided by a nature interpreter to walk through a designated trail which covers interesting spots of natural habitats, gei wai (traditional shrimp ponds), broadwalk; as well as bird hides. This will be a great experience to explore the biodiversity of Ramsar wetland. Come to join us, bring your family along! Fee: $70 per head (member) $80 per head (non member) Assembly Place & Time: 12:45 noon at Maxims MX (concourse of Sheung Shui MTR Station) We will then take taxi from Sheung Shui to Mai Po (taxi fee approx. $80 to be shared among passengers) Payment Method: 1. Bank in participant fee to Hang Seng Bank account: 222-4-026092 (IGDS Alumni bank account) 2. Fax the payment slip to 2764 4471 or email to recreation@igds-alumni.org 3. All application will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment slip. Deadline for enrollment: 15 March 2012 Notes: 1. Participants should wear plain color casual wear to the tour. 2. Participants between age 4 and 18 must be accompanied by an adult. For enquiries, please contact Mona Ho, email: monahomy@gmail.com
25/04/2012Seminar Routes to Professionalism
To provide channels for our members to enhance professional development is one of the missions of our alumni association. The Chartership in engineering discipline is a status widely recognized in many Commonwealth countries. It signifies a standard of professionalism as well as on site competence for an individual and distinguished itself from the general engineering qualifications. Speakers from 3 professional institutions are invited to introduce routes for applicants to pursue their Chatership/Professional status. Program: • Presentation of The Society Of Operations Engineers (SOE) Mr. Jeffrey Yung - President of SOEHK • Presentation of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Mr. Albert Chow - Director of Qualification of HKIE • Presentation of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET HK) Ir. MK Lam and Ir. CL Leung, Membership Development Coordinators of IET HK Dr. N. F. Chin - International Membership Advisor of IET HK will give advice • Q&A The seminar is free of charge but registration is required for seat reservation. For information of the professional institutions, please refer to SOE - http://www.soe.org.hk/ HKIE - http://www.hkie.org.hk/eng/homepage.asp IET - http://www.iee.org.hk/iee/eng/main/home.jsp For enquiries of the seminar, please contact Mr. Chan Cho Yee, email: solidus@biznetvigator.com
19/05/2012Current students activites IGDS Project Sharing
The PROJECT sharing session is designed by alumnus who were graduated in recent years (Gavin Luk and Jeffrey Zhou), they will share with current students on below areas: - What is PROJECT - Preparation of PROJECT - Common mistakes on PROJECT work - What is plagiarism, what are the penalties and how to avoid it - How to get high marks in PROJECT - How full time students deal with PROJECT After the presentation, there will be a Q&A session followed by small group discussion lead by experienced IGDS alumnus.
25/05/2012Seminar Symposium on eCO2 Management - A Paradigm Shift
The Symposium on eCO2 Management – A Paradigm Shift is our key initiative to advocate green and nurture carbon reduction attempt in Hong Kong. The Symposium focuses on low carbon economy with highlights on the latest best practice, development, application and market potential for the betterment of our living environment. It embraces the topics of climatic changes, green house gases (GHG) emissions, carbon trading and finance etc. Views from authorities, utilities, legal professional, key practitioners from the public and private sectors will be drawn in to craft out a balanced view towards a meaningful forum. In the Symposium, participants will : - review the root causes of GHG emissions and its adverse impact on the weather conditions; - comprehend the devastating impact to the environment if remedial measures were not in place quickly; - appreciate what key stakeholders are doing to mitigate the trend; and - discuss strategies that improve Hong Kong progressing towards a low carbon economy. This symposium is organized by the Management Section of IET HK. Fees (including refreshments, lunch and a set of proceedings): HK$1,200 HK$1,100 for members of the IET and supporting organisations HK$1,000 for members of the IET and supporting organisations registered before 1 April 2012 Registration: Complete registration form obtained from www.theiet.org.hk and send it together with a crossed cheque payable to "The Institute of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong" Language The Symposium will be conducted in English unless otherwise specified. http://sites.google.com/site/eco2management/home
26/05/2012Seminar How to improve Business / Project Performance
Seminar on “How to improve Business / Project Performance – Partnership, Risk Management and Value Management” Synopsis: In this world of ever-changing and full of new technologies, the management model in all business should also change to meet the customers’ increasing demands and expectations. As a result of traditional hierarchy management approach, there are many examples in cost and time overruns, and even disputes resolved in the Court. What are the reasons behind? Numerous research studies concluded that lack of team spirit, no sense of crisis and no encouragement of creativities are the key factors. Nowadays, Partnering, Risk Management and Value Management are promoted and being implemented in all major infrastructure projects and some large-scale private developments in order to improve the team and the Project performance. The essences of NEC (New Engineering Contract), which will be fully implemented by the Government of HKSAR in the near future, are also based in these three areas. The speaker will share his experiences and best practices in these areas with the participants and hopes that the sharing will enhance each other's business in a much smoother manner. About the Speaker: Mr. KH Fok fulfilled various roles in the Civil and Foundation engineering industry for nearly 30 years. His thorough grasp of the NEC3 and other forms of contract have helped in his successful management of more than 50 construction projects including the Tin Shui Wai Site Formation, the 155m deep large diameter bored pile in Tung Chung and the piling works for the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal. KH is a highly experienced and popular facilitator with an astute understanding of the cross-cultural working environment in Hong Kong, has been facilitating more than 400 workshops in partnering, value management and risk management. KH was appointed by the Housing Authority for a series of partnering workshops and post completion review workshops from 2005 to 2010. He is currently appointed as the partnering lead facilitator for all MTR WIL and SIL(E) contracts and the Risk Manager for some large scale infrastructure projects.
15/06/2012Recreation IGDS Entrepreneurs Gathering
There are quite a number of IGDS alumni who are running their own business. We would like to set up an entrepreneur group for - networking among IGDS entrepreneurs to share their experiences/difficulties/success in starting a business, running a business, also serve as professional networking purpose - share success/failure stories to other alumni/students - encourage IGDS entrepreneurs to join “Poly-preneurs” and participate in their activities, promote image of IGDS among PolyU graduates We have invited following alumni to tell their stories to the participants in the gathering on 15 June 2012. Speakers: Danny Lai (PhD Mechanical Engineering): The industrial Entrepreneur WM Dai (MSc Manufacturing System Engineering 2004): The industrial Entrepreneur - Professional engineering specialist with ample experience in multiple manufacturing system engineering aspects including CAD/CAM system development, quality system, CAPP and manufacturing automation. - 16 years micro-motor manufacturing experience, worked at Johnson Electric Manufacturing Ltd. - Established New World CAD/CAM Development Ltd. in 2004, to provide engineering consultant and R&D service to our customers. - Established Willsonic Precision Ltd. in 2008, to provide one-stop services from design to manufacturing of various kinds of electric motors, precision parts, specialty material, system and sub-systems. Our manufacturing facility includes Hong Kong and South China. Lai Wing Cheong (MSc Engineering Business Management 2005): The e-Business Entrepreneur - Worked in Jumpin Gym USA Limited for 3 years to initiate IT business - Established Panel Resources Limited with 2 partners in 2003 to provide e-Learning products / services for primary and secondary schools Samantha Tam (MSc Engineering Business Management 2006): From Factory to Kitchen Samantha spent 11 years and built a successful home appliances manufacturing company from scratch. She then steered herself away from the business she created and went to Paris in 2009 to learn pastry making. She founded Heimao Foods in 2011 to sell her homemade goodies and also offered consulting services to food places. Come if you are interested in knowing more about home appliances manufacturing, or food, or both. Cookies from Heimao Foods will be offered during the session. Charge: HK$120 per head soft drinks/snacks/ set dinner
07/07/2012Recreation Sai Kung Boat Trip
主辦機構: 香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會 (MILESAA) 協辦機構: 英國華威大學及香港理工大學製造工程系舊生會 (IGDSAA) 日期: 2012年7月7日 (星期六) 收費: 會員 / 會員家庭 每位港幣250元正 (大小同價) 非會員 / 非會員家庭 每位港幣300元正 (大小同價) 【以上費用已包遊艇、快艇、滑水、香蕉船及獨木舟、小費、午膳、飲品;以及為八十五歲以下團友購買十萬元團體旅遊保險】 名額: 40名 (先到先得,每名校友限帶3名親友) (不接受4歲以下小童報名) 集合時間: 上午9時30分 集合地點: 西貢碼頭 出發時間: 上午10時正 (逾時不候) 行程:乘坐遊艇由西貢碼頭出海,於糧船灣海停泊,參加者可綠波暢泳、垂釣或參加水上活動,包括快艇、滑水、香蕉船及獨木舟等。約於下午6時返回西貢碼頭解散。 午膳:船上即場烹調海鮮,包括白灼蝦、椒鹽魷魚、炒蜆等,另有雞翼、肉丸、香腸、沙律、炒粉麵等。 截止報名日期: 2012年6月25日 (星期一) 報名方法: 有興趣參加者,請先填妥以下參加表格 (Registration Form) 電郵或傳真至本會。 電郵: miles.aa@inet.polyu.edu.hk 傳真:2362 5267 本會於截止報名日期後將報名確認通知書以電郵方式通知各成功參加者,收到報名確認通知書後,請以支票或銀行轉賬方式支付報名費。參加者須於2012年6月30日或之前 繳付,否則取消留位。 付款方法: 1) 支票 支票抬頭請寫“MILES Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (MILESAA)”或“香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會”,並在支票背面寫上姓名及聯絡電話,寄往Room EF625, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon。 2) 銀行轉賬 直接將費用存入“香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會”恒生銀行戶口 222-055667-001,並請在銀行入數紙副本寫上姓名及聯絡電話電郵或傳真至本會。 報名確認通知書將以電郵方式發給各成功參加者。 查 詢: 請致電香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會 (MILESAA) 與 蔡小姐 Ms Heidi Choy (2766 6628) 或 張小姐 Ms Carrie Cheung (3400 3185) 查詢。 備 註: 1) 活動當日如天文台懸掛3號風球,或出發前2小時發出黑色暴雨警告訊號,活動將會取消。本會將另擇日期舉行,並以電郵通知參加者,如參加者未能參與,費用將如數退還。 2) 參加者如認為本會提供的團體旅遊保險額度不足夠,請自行另購保險。
15/09/2012Recreation The Orientation Gathering of the IGDS Buddy Program
Thank you Alumni and Student Buddies for supporting the IGDS Buddy Program by your active participation. We are pleased to invite you to join The Orientation Gathering of the Buddy Program, wherein you will meet your assigned buddy/buddies, get to know each others, start your friendship and have fun with all buddies.
06/10/2012Current students activites PMA Sharing Session
Speaker: Gavin Luk, Vice President of Alumni Association and Best Performance awardee of 2011 He will share with current students on below areas: - Preparation of PMA - Common mistakes on PMA - What is plagiarism, what is the penalties and how to avoid it - How to get high marks in PMA
27/10/2012Current students activites Project Sharing Session
Speaker: Alfred Lee, Best Project awardee of 2012 He will share with current students on below areas: 1. Assessment of project 2. What is all about project? 3. All about project 4. Statement of problem 5. Review of literature 6. Hypothesis 7. Methodology 8. Discussion of results 9. Conclusion and recommendation 10. What is important
15/12/2012Recreation IGDS 20th anniversary dinner
Celebrating 20th IGDS batch of graduates Welcome all alumni from 1st graduation in 1992 to 20th graduation in 2012 to come back and join this anniversary dinner! Price: HK$300 per head HK$500 (1+1, bring your fellow classmate, family and friend) HK$150 (children under 12)
09/03/2013Current students activites PMA Sharing Session 1
SESSION 1 (Weekend session) Date: 9Mar 2012 (Sat.) Time: 9:30am – 11:30am Speaker: Gavin Luk , Best Performance Student 2011, PMA average marks: 69.5 Venue: Room DE308, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Available seats: 45 Fees: 1) Free of Charge for IGDS students or IGDSAA members, 2) must be fans of Facebook page IGDSAA Conditions: Each student can only register ONE session, double-registrations will be disqualified. Interested person please enroll by on http://www.facebook.com/events/489222917803737/ before 8 Mar 2013. The PMA sharing session is designed by alumni who were graduated in recent years, they will share with current students on below areas:  Preparation of PMA  Common mistakes on PMA  What is plagiarism, what is the penalties and how to avoid it  How to get high marks in PMA After the presentation, there will be a Q&A session for students who are having further difficulties on PMA. Or, for students who are determined to get distinction.
14/03/2013Seminar ISSC Seminar - Meta Coaching in Six Sigma and Lean Organizations
Meta-Coaching is a meta-field that focuses on process and structure more than content, which involves identifying the structure of an experience and facilitating a person or team to replicate that excellence. In this seminar, you will know how Meta-Coaching leadership fits into Six Sigma and Lean management. The seminar provides practical resources for leaders as well as their coaches, by introducing new direction and tools for developing people’s potentials for you and your organizations. This helps in creating a Self-Actualizing company – a company fully able to tap into and unleash the human capital of productivity, creativity, innovation, passion, and engagement. Fee: HK$50 for member of supporting organization
28/03/2013Current students activites PMA Sharing Session 2
SESSION 2 (Weekday session) Date: 28Mar 2012 (Thur.) Time: 7:30p – 9:00p Speaker: Andrew, Current IGDS student, PMA average marks: 71.5 (after 8 modules) Venue: Room CD308, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Available seats: 45 Fees: 1) Free of Charge for IGDS students or IGDSAA members, 2) must be fans of Facebook page IGDSAA Conditions: Each student can only register ONE session, double-registrations will be disqualified. Interested person please enroll by on http://www.facebook.com/events/608543875838464 before 27 Mar 2013. The PMA sharing session is designed by alumni who were graduated in recent years, they will share with current students on below areas:  Preparation of PMA  Common mistakes on PMA  What is plagiarism, what is the penalties and how to avoid it  How to get high marks in PMA After the presentation, there will be a Q&A session for students who are having further difficulties on PMA. Or, for students who are determined to get distinction.
11/04/2013Current students activites Project Sharing Class
Thanks for Facebook, we learnt that students are expecting more services from IGDS Alumni Association. We got some request on “Project Sharing Class”, for students who completed all or most of PMAs and about to start the Project. We are glad to invite Dr. Walter Fung, IGDS graduate and got a Distinction award to share his experience and views on Project. Students please register as “IGDSAA student members” before enroll the class, it is free of charge to be a student member of IGDSAA. Registration steps: 1) Like us on Facebook page IGDSAA, link as: http://www.facebook.com/IGDSAA , skip step (1) if you already liked IGDSAA. 2) Click the event link and join , event link as: http://www.facebook.com/events/510894188973722/
28/04/2013Recreation Urban hiking for alumni
Venue of assembly : Lok Yew Hall entrance, University of Hong Kong. Route: The hike will start from HKU and we go all the way uphill to the peak where we walk around the Lugard road circuit and descend downhill either to Aberdeen or Wanchai area for lunch. Route leader: Chan Cho-yee Interested alumni and family can join.
26/05/2013Recreation Hiking
Time of assembly : 9:30 am Place of assembly : Bus No.6 terminus, Exchange Square, Central. Route: Take the bus to Wong Nai Chung Gap Road, start walk on Black's Link to Aberdeen Reservoir Route leader: Frances Lui
31/05/2013Current students activites Airport Cargo Super Terminal I
Visit Air Terminal I 2pm at Tung Chung Bus station. Contact 98833069, Lawrence Kwok ** Ensure you type your ID (need to apply airport terminal entrance permit)
27/07/2013Seminar IT Project Management for Aviation & Tourism Industry from Managerial Perspecti
Dear IGDSAA Alumni and Students members, An interesting forum organized by our alumni Dr. Walter Fung (he was IGDS Outstanding Performance student got Distinction award). According to Walter, other than alumni working in IT industry, this forum will also benefit to current students who are having IT related topics in their IGDS Project. Forum Title: IT Project Management for Aviation & Tourism Industry from Managerial Perspective. Date : Saturday July 27, 2013 Time : 2.30 to 5.00pm Venue : TU201, Hong Kong PolyU Language : English Free of Charge, Seats are limited, Register early ! !!!!!Registration Link : https://crm.comp.polyu.edu.hk/drupal6/ITPM2013 IGDSAA web do not accept registration! Please register from above link. For inquiries: Dr. Walter Fung (email: csslfung@comp.polyu.edu.hk )

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