Event Calendar

The next 20 Events, since 02/11/2013.

Current students activitesGeneral meetingProfessional developmentRecreationSeminar

02/11/2013Current students activites Buddy Program Orientation 2013
Dear ALL, Thanks for your participation in IGDS Buddy Program 2013. You are cordially invited to the coming orientation (BPO). Event details are: Time: 7:15pm -9:30pm, 2nd, Nov. Saturday. (Reception starts at 6:45pm) Location: N002, Polyu. Participants: Buddy Program Participants Fee: Free Capacity 100. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at: Mona: monahomy@gmail.com From Executive Committee of The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Manufacturing Alumni Association (IGDSAA - The IGDS Alumni)
08/11/2013Seminar PMA Sharing
Dear Students, Welcome to IGDS family, this course is organized by The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. After more than 20 years of continuous development, now the IGDS course is reputable both in mainland China and Hong Kong. Graduates will be able to meet the requirements of management positions in nowadays enterprises. In order to get the qualification, there are two very important gates to pass. First, the PMA (post-module assignments) and second, the PROJECT. For the PMA, students must get a minimum pass mark, or it will lead to a re-take of module. Failed students will take months to re-take and re-do the PMA. Moreover, there is a loss of HKD12,000 on each re-take module. According to past records, the estimated time for students to get the PMA results from the department will be about 4 to 6 months. Therefore, students will have difficulties to access their own abilities and have no idea on how to improve their performance. - Preparation of PMA - Common mistakes on PMA - What is plagiarism, what are the penalties and how to avoid it - How to get higher marks in PMA After the presentation, there will be a Q&A session for students who are having further difficulties on PMA. Or, for students who are determined to get a distinction. Details of PMA Sharing Session: Date: 8 Nov 2013 (Fri.) Time: 5 - 7PM Venue: Room EF312, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Available seats: 50 Fees: Free of Charge for IGDS students or IGDSAA members. Interested person please enroll by on website http://www.igds-alumni.org before 8Nov 2013 親愛的IGDS同學們︰ 首先歡迎來到IGDS大家庭! IGDS課程是由英國華威大學和香港理工大學聯合舉辦。能夠幫助畢業生裝備自己,滿足時下企業在經理人方面的要求。 然而,在IGDS課程內有兩個十分重要的元素 - PMA和 PROJECT (論文)。 首先在總數9個PMA單元裡,學生必須獲得最低的合格分數,否則就要重讀。而這意味著它會花費你再多幾個月的時間和在金錢上每一科HKD12,000的損失。 根據過往經驗,學生需要等約4至6個月時間才拿到 PMA的成績。在這幾個月裡面,因為缺少成績和解釋,學生或者會對於如何改善和怎樣通過審核會感到困難。 有見及此,IGSSAA校友會設立了PMA研討分享班,將與學生分享以下範疇︰ - 應該如何準備PMA? - PMA常見的錯誤? - 什麼是抄襲,會有什麼結果? 以及如何避免? - 如何在PMA中獲得高分數? 分享過後將設有問答環節。如果你對於PMA有更多的疑問,歡迎屆時提出。 PMA研討分享班安排詳情如下︰ 日期︰2013年11月8日 (星期五) 時間︰5 – 7PM 地點︰EF312,香港理工大學 名額︰50人 費用:免費 (只限本課程的IGDS學生或IGDSAA會員) 有興趣的人士請於2013年11月5日前在網頁www.igds-alumni.org報名參加。
17/11/2013Current students activites Rural Hiking - Maclehose Trail no. 2
The weather is too good to miss the 3rd hike of the year...this time we are going to country side to feel the freshness of the trees and the breeze of the sea... Date: 17 Nov 2013 (Sunday) Time of assembly : 10.00 am Place of assembly : MacDonald Sai Kung. Route: Maclehose Trail no. 2 Duration : 4 - 5 hrs Max: 30 people Please bring your own water, hat/ raincoat/snack and food Interested alumni, students and their family & friends are welcome. For ease of coordination, please click 'join' for this event on our website www.igds-alumni.org For enquiries, please contact monahomy@gmail.com (tel 95510642) The University of Warwick & The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Manufacturing Alumni Association (IGDS Alumni)
06/12/2013General meeting IGDS 2013 Annual Dinner
Dear IGDS alumni, students and friends, We are celebrating the 21st Anniversary of IGDS this year, you are cordially invited to come and join our once-a-year annual dinner. Such precious night of the year not only allows you to meet your old friends and teachers, but also you are going to experience a most spectacular and exciting night. Please find the details as follows: Date: 6 December 2013 (Friday) Time: 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (reception starts at 6:30 p.m.) Venue: Police Officers’ Club 28 Hung Hing Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (please refer attached map for location) Price: HK$ 380 per head HK$ 700 (1+1, bring your fellow classmate, family and friend) HK$ 350 (for children under 12) Seats Capacity: 240 Seats are available on first-come-first-serve basis. Please register online on our website: http://www.igds-alumni.org/modules.php?name=Kalender&op=view&eid=181 and you are highly suggested to confirm the seat by making payment before 5 December 2012. Payment method: (1) By cheque payable to “The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Manufacturing Alumni Association Ltd.” and send to the c/o IGDS Office, Room EF 611, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon. Pls mark " IGDS Annual Dinner 2013", and put down the names of the participant, your contact no. at the back of the cheque (2) By direct deposit to the IGDS Alumni Hang Seng Bank account 222-4-026092 and provide the date and ref.no . in the online enrollment form, or send a copy of pay-in slip by email to recreation@igds-alumni.org or by fax to 2764 4471 For enquiries, please contact Ms. Mona Ho at email: monahomy@gmail.com Spread the news and welcome all alumni from 1st graduation in 1992 to 21th graduation in 2013 to join our celebration dinner! From Executive Committee of The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Manufacturing Alumni Association (IGDSAA - The IGDS Alumni)
23/03/2014Recreation Urban Hiking for Exercising
HK Island, from Quarry Bay to Tai Tam 鰂魚涌 至 大潭水塘 Around 3-4 hours Easy trail, 大部份 石屎路 請自備 糧水, 晴雨具
29/03/2014Current students activites Project/PMA sharing
You are invited to attend a Project/PMA sharing session organized by the IGDS Alumni Association. Alumni will share their experience in tackling the Project and writing up the Dissertation. Speakers: Dr. Walter FUNG, graduate 2007 with distinction Ms. Tui LI, graduate 2013 with Merit Mr. Andrew YAN, Best Project 2013
18/05/2014Recreation Nam Chung Eco Agriculture handcraft workshop
南涌穀雨文化節 活耕建養地協會籌款活動之 「水.竹.手」 手工藝工作坊 南涌的自然環境,不僅給人類和動物提供栖息的地方,那些與山水共生的植物(如蓮塘中的蘆葦和蓮蓬,山上的竹子等),也爲手工藝品的創作,提供最好的本地原材料和想像空間。 在這個工作坊中,參加者會自製蘆葦筆, 幷以此進行畫畫、書寫和塗鴉,還有利用南涌的竹子製作盛載植物竹器。工作坊時間為3小時,約於下午1時結束。有興趣摘蘆葦、斬竹的人士可留下作義工,唯需自備午餐。 這是一個極難得的機會,讓大家在寧靜、慢活、專注的情境下進行情意創作和製作手工藝品,感受大自然可愛、可貴的地方,幷實踐永續設計的理念。 歡迎成人携同子女參加。 日期:5月18日(周日) 集合時間:上午9點 (56K 綠色小巴每半小時一班, 遲到自行坐的士前往南涌) 集合地點:粉嶺火車站C出口 名額:20人 費用:成人:$500 / 成人X 1 + 小孩(15歲以下)= $600 **此次活動為協助活耕建養地協會保育南涌土地之籌款活動,所有費用將捐贈活耕建養地協會,有關該協會宗旨及籌款用途請參考其網址http://www.namchungfarmers.org/ 截止報名日期:5月12日 導師:藝術工作者梁廣勳 (梁廣勛曾任小學及中學視藝科老師,30多年教學經驗,現已退休。他被南涌的草木山水深深吸引著,更受南涌養地人精神的感染,願將自己的生活與學習跟大家分享,望能滋養大地的同時,更能修養心靈。)
13/06/2014Visit Visit to Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal
You are cordially invited to join the visit to Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal, the largest cargo terminal in the world. This new terminal was officially unveiled in February 2014 though full operation had been started in October 2013. The design and infrastructure enable the terminal to handle a throughput of 2.6 million tonnes per year and expands Hong Kong International Airport’s annual cargo capacity by 50 percent to 7.4 million tonnes. The terminal can handle different types of cargo, including • Perishable Cargo • Large Animal • Cool Room Storage Goods • Dangerous Goods and Radioactive Goods • Valuable Cargo • Mini-Shipment • Twenty-foot Container More details can be found in the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcISMbPmJoc Time of Assembly: 14:00 Place of Assembly: Tung Chung MTR Station Exit B Seat capacity: 30 (Priority is given to IGDSAA Members and Associates) Fee: HK$50 (for administration), to be collected on spot at place of assembly. Lunch & transportation are not inclusive. The Association will reserve the right to collect the above said fee from those enrolled but not attend. Certificate of attendance will be issued to participants at close of the visit day. Please provide your full name (same as on HKID), organization/company and title to apply for restricted area permit.
21/06/2014Seminar Seminar on Routes to Professionalism
To provide channels for our members to enhance professional development is one of the missions of our Alumni Association. The Chartership in engineering discipline is a status widely recognized in many Commonwealth countries. It signifies a standard of professionalism as well as on site competence for an individual, and it distinguishes itself from the general engineering qualifications. Guest speakers from 3 professional institutions are honorably invited to introduce the routes for applicants to pursue their Chartership/Professional endeavor. Program: • Presentation of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Mr. Albert Chow - Director of Qualification of HKIE • Presentation of The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong (IETHK) Ir. Vincent Lam - Vice Chairman of IETHK Ir. MK Lam - Former Chairman of MIE Section in IETHK • Presentation of The Society Of Operations Engineers (SOEHK) Ir. KC Lau - Chairman of SOEHK • Q&A Participants of this seminar will be issued the Certificate of Attendance by our Association. Seat capacity is 100, on first-come-first-served basis. Priority is to be given to IGDS registered members. HK$30 per person will be charged for administration. Our Association reserves the right of final decision. For information of the aforesaid professional institutions, please refer to the following – SOE - http://www.soe.org.hk/ HKIE - http://www.hkie.org.hk/eng/homepage.asp IET - http://mycommunity.theiet.org/communities/home/246#.U1x16VtOaM8 For enquiries, please contact Ir. Lam Tat Ming, email: tmlam1188@gmail.com
12/07/2014Recreation Boating & water sports
行程:乘坐遊艇由西貢碼頭出海,於糧船灣海停泊,參加者可綠波暢泳、垂釣或參加水上活動,包括快艇、滑水、香蕉船及獨木舟等。約於下午6時返回西貢碼頭解散。 午膳:船上即場烹調海鮮,包括白灼蝦、椒鹽魷魚、炒蜆等,另有雞翼、肉丸、香腸、沙律、炒粉麵等。 集合時間: 上午9時30分 集合地點: 西貢碼頭 收費: 會員 / 會員家庭 每位港幣350元正 (大小同價) 非會員 / 非會員家庭 每位港幣400元正 (大小同價) 【以上費用已包遊艇、快艇、滑水、香蕉船及獨木舟、小費、午膳、飲品;以及為八十五歲以下團友購買十萬元團體旅遊保險】 名額: 20名 (先到先得,每名校友限帶3名親友) (不接受4歲以下小童報名) 查 詢: Jane Wong, email: jylwonghk@hotmail.com 備 註: 1) 活動當日如天文台懸掛3號風球,或出發前2小時發出黑色暴雨警告訊號,活動將會取消。本會將另擇日期舉行,並以電郵通知參加者,如參加者未能參與,費用將如數退還。 2) 參加者如認為本會提供的團體旅遊保險額度不足夠,請自行另購保險。
23/08/2014Current students activites Career Development Workshop
Upon initiatives from full time students, the alumni association is organizing a career development workshop to give some advice on preparing career path in Hong Kong. Program: 1. Recruitment consideration from perspective of SME employer 2. Essentials of CV to pass through first screening 3. Grasp chance of interview break 4. Sharing by three full time mainland graduates working in Hong Kong Q&A Language: English, Cantonese, Putonghua Fee: $30 (administration charge) Certificate of attendance will be given to participants at the end of workshop.
27/08/2014Visit Visit to Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal
Due to overwhelming interest shown in the visit on 13 June 2014, the Alumni Association has requested for another visit in August. Details of the visit as follows: Time of Assembly: 14:00 Place of Assembly: Tung Chung MTR Station Exit B Seat capacity: 15 (Priority is given to IGDSAA Members and Associates) Fee: HK$50 (for administration), to be collected on spot at place of assembly. Lunch & transportation are not inclusive. The Association will reserve the right to collect the above said fee from those enrolled but not attend. Certificate of attendance will be provided to participants at close of the visit day. Please provide your full name (same as on HKID), organization/company and title to apply for restricted area permit.
27/09/2014Current students activites PMA/Project Sharing
This sharing session will focus on PMA and fresh intake students are most welcome. Speakers: Dr. Ivan Chan, EngD 2012 Mr. Abraham Wang, intake of 2013 Fee: $30 (administration charge)
18/10/2014Visit Technical Visit to Ngong Ping 360
Ngong Ping 360 is destined to be one of Hong Kong’s “must see” tourist attractions on Lantau Island. Opened in September 2006, Ngong Ping cable car is a 5.7 km long bi-cable gondola lift system (haul and track ropes) linking between Tung Chung and Ngong Ping. It is the longest one in Asia of the same system, with only 8 towers built. The magnificent scene and panoramic view of Lantau Island are embedded in the eyesight during the cable car journey! The operations and maintenance is crucial for ensuring safe and pleasant journeys of passengers. Meanwhile, the construction was successfully designed to minimize to the least environmental impacts. This event aims at visiting the garage and control facilities of Ngong Ping 360 so visitors could understand the design, daily operations as well as the strategies of maintenance, safety, control and emergency of the cable car system. The technical introduction and visit will last for 2-3 hours in the morning. Afterwards, participants can enjoy at discounted price for a cable car ride from Tung Chung to Ngong Ping. Participants can enjoy their free time at Ngong Ping Village until 18:00 for last ride back to Tung Chung. Fee: $180 per person, include crystal cabin cable car ride from Tung Chung to Ngong Ping, standard cabin from Ngong Ping to Tung Chung and administration charge; transportation to Tung Chung and lunch are not inclusive Life and Ordinary members will be of first priority (even if remainling seat is 0). Associates and Students will be of second priority. Notice of payment will be sent to successful applicants. The Executive Committee reserves the right for final confirmation of seats.
13/12/2014Recreation 2014 AGM cum Annual Dinner
AGM 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm Dinner Gathering 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm Venue: Honorary Family Restaurant (裕滿人家) Shop No.80-86, 2/F Pacifica Mall, No.9 Sham Shing Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon (荔枝角深盛路9號宇晴軒商場2樓80-86號舖) Dinner Style: Chinese Dinner Fee: HK$400 (each) is applicable to all registered members HK$450 (each) is applicable to others (Non-members) HK$300 (each) is applicable to current IGDS students HK$200 (each) is applicable to Children under the Age of 12 HK$4,800 (a table for 12 seats), is applicable to those attending the Dinner regardless of the attendants being Members and/or Non-members.
01/02/2015Recreation Oxfam Walkathon
We are organizing a team to participate "The Oxfam Walkathon 2015" - a fund raising event, in the name of our Alumni Association. Fellow members are invited to join our team. While enjoying scenery of trail route around the Peak, you are also contributing to the community. Minimum donation is HK$200 per person, more are weldome. Please register for this event and pay the minimum donation to Alumni Association Hang Seng Bank a/c: 222-4-026092 before 15 January 2015. For details of this event, please refer to http://www.oxfam.org.hk/en/walkathon_2318.aspx
15/03/2015Recreation Central District Heritage Walk
The walk will start at old town gas lamp posts (still working) in Duddell Street with the following key locations of interest: - Old Central Police Station & Victoria Prison - Soho -孫中山“中興會”舊址(師姑街) - PMQ (元創坊)- 舊中區警察宿舍 - Bridges Street market必列者士街街市-(renewing for HK Newspaper Museum) - YMCA building中華基督教會必列者士會所 (Class 1 historical building) - Wing Lee Street永利街 (歲月神偷拍攝地) - Ladder Street 樓梯街 -.Po Hing Fong 普慶坊革命黨同盟會會館 - Tai Ping Shan Street 因鼠疫而被英政府燒毁的太平山街 - Possession Street 英國初佔領香港升旗處 Stories of buildings, streets as well as life in olden days will be delivered along the walk by our alumni who have lived in the area. Dinner in traditional Cantonese style in 蓮香樓 is an option after the walk, on pro-rata cost sharing basis. It is a not-to-be missed event for those who have an interest in the development of our city! Interested person please register and indicate whether you would join the dinner to guarantee reservation of seat at the restaurant. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Frances Lui, email:Frances.lui@gmail.com Remark: Kindly note change of assembly time
22/03/2015Seminar test event
test event please don't enroll
12/04/2015Recreation Pok Oi Cycle for Millions
Hong Kong's only cycling event on Stonecutters Bridge Five alumni registered to join this charity event Pok Oi Cycle for Millions held by Pok Oi Hospital. For details, please refer to www.cycleformillions.com/tc/home.html By participating this event you can view the fantastic scenery along the Stonecutters Bridge and have good physical exercise and be relaxed in this charity atmosphere. You are welcome to cheer our alumni on the closing ceremony & carnival. 活動日期 : 2015年4月12日(星期日) 登記時間 :早上6時30分開始 (按主辦單位安排分時段集合及出發) 登記處 :青衣美景遊樂場 起步時間 :早上7時正開始 閉幕及嘉年華地點 :香港專業教育學院(青衣) For inquiries, please contact Co-ordinator of event, Raymond Kwong by rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
02/05/2015Recreation Sunset Hiking
An evening walk will begin at the Peak and go towards High West. It is a short and casual route, about 2 hours, for leisure exercise as well as friendly gathering. By walking along the route towards the 4th highest mountain in Hong Kong Island, the highlight will be the sunset viewing together with the stunning night scene, if weather is fine. And that will be a full-moon day, perhaps we can enjoy the moon after the sun! Time of assembly: 4:30pm Place of assembly: The Peak, next to old Peak tram cabin 山頂廣場 舊纜車車箱旁 Participants are encouraged to bring along with a torch for safety purpose. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Frances Lui, email:Frances.lui@gmail.com

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