Event Calendar

The next 20 Events, since 09/12/2018.

Current students activitesGeneral meetingProfessional developmentRecreationSeminar

03/04/2019Visit Technical Visit to HKTV Mall's Robotic and Automated & Pack System
HKTV Mall is one of the largest online shopping platforms in Hong Kong equipped with robotic and automated Pick & Pack System. HKTV mall works with more than 2,800 merchants and sells more than 250,000 merchandise to provide one-stop services, including online shopping, leisure hot deals sales, promotion, logistics and customer service, covering every aspect of your daily needs. In just 3 years since its opening, through the analysis and utilization of consumer big data, together with implementation of TV commercial, social media marketing and promotions on various channels, the average daily order volume has surged from 300 to over 11,800; the number of customers in the first half of 2018 also increased from 149,000 in first half 2017 to 427,000. In response to the rapid growth, HKTVmall introduced a robotic pick & pack system from Germany, and is in full operation since March this year. This system is the first of its kind in Hong Kong, comprising a conveying system, an automatic picking system, an automatic storage and retrieval system and tote handling systems including the software for the material flow control and automatic management. It fully mechanizes and automates previously labour-intensive logistics procedures.
01/06/2019Recreation 荃灣城門水塘消暑遊
城門水塘消暑遊 集合地點:82號綠色專線小巴總站(荃灣兆和街) 集合時間:9:00 (由於需排隊搭小巴,請提早10 到15 分鐘) 集合後,乘坐82號專線小巴到城門水塘菠蘿壩總站下車起步,從左邊開始順時鐘環繞是上城門水塘一週。行程經過郊野公園遊客中心,菠蘿壩自然教育徑,衛奕信徑七段,麥理浩徑七段, 主壩。沿途除怡人景色外,水塘畔滿種的白千層樹,使遊人暑氣全消。最終回到小巴站散會。全程約3 到4 小時。 Shing Mun Reservoir Hiking in Early Summer Assembly Point: Route 82 Public Light Bus (Green) Stop at Shiu Wo Street, Tsuen Wan. Time: 9:00 (because we need to queue for the bus ride, please come earlier 10 to 15 mins if you could) Will take the public light bus to the Pineapple Dam of Shing Mun Reservoir and start from there. Taking the trail on the left and round Upper Shing Mun Reservoir clock-wise. The path includes: Shing Mun Reservoir Visitor Center, Pineapple Dam Nature Trail, Wilson Trails Section 7, Maclehose Trails Section 7 and reach main dam. More than eye catching in the scenery on the way; the paper-bark trees along the trails and the reservoir bench reduces the temperature feeling in the summer. Total journey would need 3 to 4 hours. If you have any queries, please contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk for enquiry. 專線小巴總站(荃灣兆和街): https://www.google.com.hk/maps/place/82%E8%99%9F%E7%B6%A0%E8%89%B2%E5%B0%8F%E5%B7%B4%E7%AB%99/@22.3716841,114.1179493,19.01z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x3403f8ed6e0c68e1:0x52e7afff8ab00cf5!8m2!3d22.3719094!4d114.1180017?hl=zh-TW
28/06/2019Visit Technical Visit to Xiamen & Zhang Zhou (厦門及漳州考察團)
Xiamen Technical Visit Tour is our signature event of the year. A 3-day-2-night trip, we will visit Kingtronics Industrial Co., Ltd’s (宏泰製造業有限公司)new established Production Plant (a leading electronic assembly OEM and ODM company with BGA, SMT technologies etc.) in Zhang Zhou and the landmark Hong Tai Center, its Culture and Art Complex which consists of an 850 seat Concert Hall, a 180 seat Conference Hall in Xiamen(厦門). Visit the renowned Gulangsu (鼓浪嶼) and Kinmen Island(金門島) (off the Fujian coast, administered by Taiwan) is another attraction of the trip, with sightseeing of the Xiamen city spots. Time of Assembly: 07:40 (Be punctual!) Place of Assembly: West Kowloon High Speed MTR Station 西九高鐵站 ** Participant must obtain an Entry Permit (入臺證) prior to entering Kinmen High-speed train schedule (sharp on time): To : Jun 28 – 動車車次G3006(08:40-13:15) Return : Jun 30 – 動車車次G3005(17:09-21:42) *** Train ticket: Full Chinese and English names, and Mainland Permit Number, have to be provided! Day 1: Visit Kingtronic New production plant, Concert Hall and conference complex Day 2: Visit Kinmen Island 金門島 Day 3: Visit Gulangsu 鼓浪嶼 & back home Package – Accommodation: 4 stars hotel, share twin with breakfast Train: Return ticket for West Kowloon High Speed Station and Xiamen North Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner included (lunch is not provided in 1st day) Others: Entrance ticket for scenic spots, coach, and tourist guide Charge: HKD2700 /person Deadline of registration with payment: Jun 19, 2019 Payment method: Hang Seng Bank account (IGDSAA) – 222-4-026092 with bank-in slip and name(s) Insurance: Travel insurance coverage HKD100,000/person For enquiries, please contact Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk We look forward to your participation, and let’s enjoy the tour!
13/07/2019Recreation Sai Kung Boat Trip
2019 Sai Kung Boat Trip 主辦機構: 香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會有限公司 (MILESAA) 協辦機構: 英國華威大學及香港理工大學製造工程系舊生會 (IGDSAA) 日期: 2019年7月13日 (星期六) 收費: 每位港幣450元正 (大小同價) 【以上費用已包遊艇、快艇、滑水、香蕉船及獨木舟、小費、午膳、飲品;以及為八十五歲以下團友購買十萬元團體旅遊保險】 名額: 40名 (不接受4歲以下小童報名) 集合時間: 上午9時30分 回程時間: 傍晚6時正 集合地點: 西貢碼頭 行程: 乘坐遊艇由西貢碼頭出海,於糧船灣海停泊,參加者可綠波暢泳、垂釣或參加水上活動,包括快艇、滑水、香蕉船及獨木舟等。約於下午6時返回西貢碼頭解散。 午膳: 船上即場烹調海鮮,包括瑤柱蟹粥、白灼蝦、椒鹽魷魚、沙爹炒蜆等,另有雞翼、肉丸、香腸、沙律、炒麵等,11款美食。 截止報名日期: 2019年7月3日 (星期三) 報名方法: 有興趣參加者,請登入網上報名。 本會於截止報名日期後將報名確認通知書以電郵方式通知各成功參加者,收到報名確認通知書後,請以支票或銀行轉賬方式支付報名費。參加者須於2019年7月6日或之前 繳付,否則取消留位。 付款方法: 1) 支票 支票抬頭請寫“POLYU MILES ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LIMITED”或“香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會有限公司”,並在支票背面寫上姓名及聯絡電話,寄往Room EF625, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon。 2) 銀行轉賬 直接將費用存入“香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會有限公司”東亞銀行戶口 015-251-68-00019-0,並請將銀行入數紙副本連同姓名及聯絡電話電郵至miles.aa@polyu.edu.hk。 【報名確認通知書將以電郵方式發給各成功參加者。】 查 詢: 請致電香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會有限公司 (MILESAA)與余小姐 Ms Winnie Yu (2766 6628)查詢。 備 註: 1) 活動當日如天文台懸掛3號風球,或出發前2小時發出黑色暴雨警告訊號,活動將會取消。本會將另擇日期舉行,並以電郵通知參加者,如參加者未能參與,費用將如數退還。 2) 參加者如認為本會提供的團體旅遊保險額度不足夠,請自行另購保險。
24/08/2019Current students activites PMA/ Project Sharing Seminar
Date:24 August 2019 Time: 14:00-16:30 The PMA / Project sharing session will be presented by alumni who freshly graduated with remarkable results. The speakers will share their hands-on experience with current students in some important areas: • Preparation • Basic requirements • Common mistakes • How to get high marks Charge: Free of Charge Language: English After the presentation of both PMA and Project sharing, a Q&A session will be arranged for further queries or inquiries. The sharing session is particularly important to the newly intake students who can be benefited a lot from those practical experiences. The event is free of charge, but, the students have to register as the Associate of our Alumni Association first and relevant fee is exempted for students. Please make registration for seminar at http://www.igds-alumni.org For inquiries, please contact Frances Lui at frances.lui@gmail.com or Raymond Kwong email:rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk Venue: Hong Kong Polytechnic University : Room Y305
07/09/2019Seminar Business Opportunities on One Belt One Road from Ecological Civilization
從工業革命到生態文明看一帶一路商機 Prof. Ir Steve Wong will share the business experience and encountered in one belt one road initiative with his environmental professional expert. It is estimates lists the Belt and Road initiative the business opportunities as one of the largest infrastructure and investment projects, covering more than 68 countries. This has potential to accelerate economic growth across the Asia Pacific area, Africa and Central and Eastern Europe. Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Speaker: Prof. Ir Steve S F Wong Managing Director of BillionGroup Technologies Ltd., President of the Hong Kong Energy Conservation Association Medium: Chinese with some English wording Registration : please register in Website below http://www.igds-alumni.org/index.php
21/09/2019Professional development Visit of Industry 4.0 Awardee - Ka Shui Group
Ka Shui Group (Ka Shui) being a Hong Kong company established in 1980, has begun setting up production bases in Shenzhen and Huizhou since 1986. It is a leading company specializing in magnesium, aluminum and zinc alloy die casting, and plastic injection moulding. Ka Shui provides a variety of one stop services to local and world renowned 3C electronics, automobile and household companies Since this factory visit is organized by MILESAA, therefore, confirmations will be sent by MILESAA to successful applicants by email after the registration deadline. (Free Course) Should you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Winnie Yu (2766 6628, miles.aa@polyu.edu.hk) . Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScA-iwkm38UllmGyBokogAEwh5F4JIDU8T9dNlpbFbPpwP0sg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1
27/10/2019Recreation Winter Hiking: Chuen Lung to Shing Mun Reservoir 川龍尋蝶到城門
Enjoying dim sum in old style Chinese restaurant before starting journey in Chuen Lung. Start at Chuen Lung minibus station at Route Twist. Upon reaching Choi Lung Restaurant, follow the driveway leading to Chuen Lung Management Centre. Continue along the Lung Mun Country Trail and proceed to the Shing Mun Forest Track (Reservoir Section). Take the path on the right leading to Pineapple Dam, where you may visit the Butterfly Paradise on the way. The trip ends at Shing Mun Road. The first half of the route goes gently uphill while the second half is slightly longer and comprises rather rugged downhill paths. Schedule: Gather time: 8:45 Gather place: Chuen Lung Street, Tsuen Wan, at No.80 Chuen Lung minibus station (No.80 專線小巴站,川龍街) Breakfast: 9:15-10:45 Hiking start: 11:00 End: 15:30 Reminder: prepare enough water, and suitable shoes and clothing Registration Link: http://www.igds-alumni.org/modules.php?name=Kalender&op=view&eid=252 If any enquiry, please contact Frances at frances.lui@gmail.com or Raymond at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
01/02/2020Current students activites Prof. T.C.Lee CNY Visits
Every year Alumni like to visit our respectful retired Prof. Lee's home in Chinese New Year. Prof. Lee will be kind enough to prepare some festive foods and Lai See for alumni. We will also go to restaurant to enjoy the dim sum together after visit.
24/05/2020General meeting IGDSAA Annual Dinner 2020 (DINNER CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS)
Date : 24 May 2020 (DINNER CANELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS) Venue : Palace Restaurant, address: Shop No. 774-782, Level 7 of Fortune Metropolis, No. 6 Metropolis Drive, Hung Hom, Kowloon 煌府婚宴專門店(鑽石廳), 地址: 紅磡都會道6號置富都會商場7樓774-782號舖 All alumni, families and friends, are cordially invited to attend and share with us the joyous evening. This event will bring together and provide an opportunity to meet and share with the distinguished guests and teachers, alumni and students, for a blissful moment. A series of exciting performance, games, table prizes and lucky draws are scheduled. In recognition of this memorable occasion, your presence is of much appreciation. Time: Reception 6:00 pm – 7:00pm Dinner Gathering 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm Dinner Style: Chinese Cuisine Dress code: Smart casual Dinner Fee: HK$500 (each) is applicable to registered Members and Associates HK$550 (each) is applicable to others (Non-members) HK$400 (each) is applicable to current IGDS students HK$250 (each) is applicable to Children under the Age of 12 Registration : please register in Website below http://www.igds-alumni.org/admin.php?op=CalendarEditEvent&eid=253 and pay in direct debit Hang Seng Bank Account 222-4-026092 and email the pay-in-slip to Treasurer Mr. Pedro Wong at pedwong@yahoo.com.hk for seat reservation. If you need any further information, please contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk or Ms. Frances Lui at frances.lui@gmail.com
19/12/2020General meeting IGDSAA Annual General Meeting 2020
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting of The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Manufacturing Alumni Association Limited will be held at PolyU lecture theatre N002, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon on Saturday, 19 December 2020 at 14:30 and at the adjournment thereof, for the following purpose: 1. To receive and adopt annual report from the Executive Committee 2. To receive and adopt the Audited Financial Statements and Auditors’ Report for the year ended 31 March, 2020 3. To elect Executive Committee members for 2021 4. To re-appoint Auditor, W.K. Pang & Co. 5. To re-appoint Hon. Legal Advisor, Mr. Chan Yiu Chee of C.L. Chow & Macksion Chan, Solicitors
30/01/2021Seminar Experience Sharing in CEng application
This event is organized for those who are seeking professional registration (e.g CEng) with the Engineering Council (UK) and Hong Kong Institute of Engineer (HKIE), which provides an excellent opportunity for prospective candidates to discuss their applications with Chartered Engineers. The presentation will be conducted by IGDS alumni who have obtained CEng and will focus on the following: - How to prepare the application form and professional review interview (PRI). - Tips for do’s and don’ts for professional assessment and reasons for failure. This event will be held at Webinar on 30 January 2021. The Webinar link will be sent to participants 1-2 days before. Any interested parties should be registered in IGDSAA website before 25 January 2021 by confirming your participation. For any enquires, pelase send email to secretary@igds-alumni.org for details.
26/03/2021Seminar Digital Transformation into Smart Manufacturing Facilities towards LVHM
Dr. Vincent W.C. Fung, the executive member of IGDSAA, who is the Executive Director of Kin Yat Holdings Ltd. will conduct the webinar of Digital Transformation into Smart Manufacturing Facilities towards LVHM for New Venture: Startups. Dr. Vincent Fung like to share his experience in successful case in various new startup projects through incubation workshop. The detail of programme highlighs can be referred to the flyer attachment. Interested members could click to the below link for registration and complete the online HKIE's registration form. Registration is on first-come-first-served basis. Registration deadline: 22 March 2021. (Note: It is not necessary to fill the HKIE membership no. in the Form if you was not a member of HKIE, just simply fill in N.A. is accepted.) Please also make registration in IGDS event website for record purpose. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNZgZbJdIJjVRa85Npll_jGwwIv3RA4JYXuiDUiXmWv_u7jw/viewform
16/10/2021Seminar Robotics Process Automation (RPA) in the Living World of Technology
In the seminar, the speaker will illustrate the latest advancement and the futuristic of RPA related to human in the next decade. The highlight of the seminar are: 1.) emergence of RPA 2.) evolution of RPA 3.) what is RPA 4.) What can RPA do for you Technologies are changing the world. Most researches indicated that many jobs may be destroyed in coming future. One day, you may find that a colleague sitting beside you is a "robot" which does exists in our world. Robotics process automation (RPA) is quite mature. It is time to understand digital colleagues (workers). In this semaniar, I will discuss what RPA is and RPA can do. And, explore whether it is possible to work in human-robot combination mode. The speaker-Dr. Roy Wong has more than twenty-five years hands on experience in software development, including ERP and RPA solutions. He worked in a world-class manufacturing firm for twenty years and was a Chief Technology Officer in a public-listed conglomerate. Roy acquired a Doctor of Engineering in 2020 with one granted and two pending patents. Two of patents involves machine learning and RPA technology in inventory management. This event will be held in face to face seminar with limited seat due to Convid 19. A web conference by ZOOM will be set up for those who prefer to attend the seminar online. The link of the web conference will be provided upon receiving your reply. Any interested parties should be registered in IGDSAA website, by confirming your participation. IGDSAA link :http://www.igds-alumni.org/index.php Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk for detail.
04/12/2021Recreation Badminton Exercise
GO,GO,GO - A physical activity of Badminton exercise is held at private club house in Siu Sai Wan. Alumni are welcomed and encouraged to join the exercise in order to maintain the body health in good condition. It will not only to help the blood circulation by burning the calories but also improve the Alumni collaboration.
11/12/2021General meeting Annual General Meeting 2021
The Annual General Meeting will be held on 11 December 2021 as follow details. You are cordially inivted to the join the meeting. We will have the dinner gathering after the AGM. Due to COVID-19 epidemic situations and the limitation of the resturant, there are limited seats available for the dinner and the Alumni to make registration in IGDSAA website will be first come first served. The particiants have to delcare whether have COVID-19 vaccinated in the registration. Time: AGM 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Dinner Gathering 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Venue : Club One, 1/F, Empire Centre, 68 Mody Road, TST. Dinner Style: Chinese Cuisine Dress code: Smart casual Dinner Fee: HK$300 (each) is applicable to registered Life Members only. Registration : please register in Website below http://www.igds-alumni.org/index.php and pay in direct debit Hang Seng Bank Account 222-4-026092 and email the pay-in-slip to Treasurer Mr. Pedro Wong at pedwong@yahoo.com.hk for seat reservation. If you need any further information, please contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk or Ms. Frances Lui at frances.lui@gmail.com
15/01/2022Recreation 城門水塘優悠遊:(病毒Omicron影响活動取消)
集合時間: 9:30 (由於需排隊搭小巴,請提早10 到15 分鐘) 集合地點:82號綠色專線小巴總站(荃灣兆和街) 集合後,乘坐82號專線小巴到城門水塘菠蘿壩總站下車起步,從左邊開始順時鐘環繞是上城門水塘一週。行程經過郊野公園遊客中心,菠蘿壩自然教育徑,衛奕信徑七段,麥理浩徑七段,主壩。 沿途除怡人景色外,水塘畔滿種的白千層樹,使遊人暑氣全消。最終回到小巴站散會。全程約3.5 到4 小時。 請自備糧水, 途中沒有補給點 Assembly time: 9:30 (we need to queue for the bus ride, please come earlier 10 to 15 mins as possible) Assembly Point: Route 82 Public Light Bus (Green) Stop at Shiu Wo Street, Tsuen Wan. Will take the public light bus to the Pineapple Dam of Shing Mun Reservoir and start from there. Taking the trail on the left and round Upper Shing Mun Reservoir clock-wise. The path includes: Shing Mun Reservoir Visitor Center, Pineapple Dam Nature Trail, Wilson Trails Section 7, Maclehose Trails Section 7 and reach main dam. More than eye catching in the scenery on the way; the paper-bark trees along the trails and the reservoir bench reduces the temperature feeling in the summer. Total journey would need 3.5 to 4 hours. Please bring enough food and water where no supplement shop via the route. If you have any queries, please contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk for enquiry.
09/12/2022Current students activites 2022 Annual General Meeting cum Annual Dinner
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting of The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Manufacturing Alumni Association Limited will be held at SJ Cuisine (港晶軒), 2/F., Harbour Crystal Centre (港晶中心), 100 Granville Road, TST East, Kowloon on Friday, 9 December 2022 at 18:00 and at the adjournment thereof, for the following purpose: 1.To receive and adopt annual report from the Executive Committee 2.To receive and adopt the Audited Financial Statements and Auditors’ Report for the year ended 31 March, 2022 3.To elect Executive Committee members for 2023 4.To re-appoint Auditor, APro CPA Limited 5.To re-appoint Hon. Legal Advisor, Mr. Chan Yiu Chee of C.L. Chow & Macksion Chan, Solicitors After AGM, we will have the dinner gathering. there are limited seats available for the dinner and the Alumni are required to make registration in IGDSAA website first for pre-arrangement purpose. Time: AGM 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm Dinner Gathering 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm Venue : SJ Cuisine (港晶軒), 2/F., Harbour Crystal Centre (港晶中心), 100 Granville Road, TST East, Kowloon Dinner Style: Chinese Cuisine Dress code: Smart casual Dinner Fee: HK$500 (each) is applicable to registered Life Members only. Registration : please register in Website below http://www.igds-alumni.org/index.php and pay in direct debit Hang Seng Bank Account 222-4-026092 and email the pay-in-slip to Treasurer Mr. Pedro Wong at pedwong@yahoo.com.hk for seat reservation. If you need any further information, please contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk or Ms. Frances Lui at frances.lui@gmail.com
26/03/2023Recreation 春遊魔鬼山
誠邀各校友及同學參加春郊旅遊魔鬼山, 魔鬼山位於油塘鄰近市區十分方便,可以輕鬆兩小時行完,除了欣賞維港景色及遠眺新近落成蝴蝶形將軍澳大橋, 更可在山頂參觀多個於在1915年建成的歷史軍事遺跡,包括魔鬼山棱堡、歌賦炮台等。因魔鬼山行山路線的地理位置可遠眺香港島,可用作監視出入鯉魚門的船隻,所以當時的駐港英軍建立了多個軍事設施,包括炮台、交通壕、火藥庫及碉堡等,以鎮守維多利亞港的東面入口,雖然炮台早已撤走,但碉堡仍然完整,被評為二級歷史建築。繼續前往鯉魚門廢置石礦場遙望東面維港壯觀美景及鯉魚門共享海鮮午餐。 日期:26/03/2023(星期日) 集合地點:油塘地地鐵站A出口 集合時間: 9:30am 限額人數 :30人 午餐 : 自費 登記: 請於IGDSAA網頁登記,先到先得. http://www.igds-alumni.org/index.php
09/09/2023Seminar Introduction of Historical Antique Clock & Watch
Seminar Introduction: Mr. Derek Lee is an avid antique clock and watch collector who is knowledgeable in the history and technology of timekeeping instruments. In this presentation, he will explain how ancient engineers invented timekeeping devices that are suitable for various industries' needs and introduce the development of wristwatches and clocks, as well as their evolution in artistic design. Mr. Lee will also share his expertise and experience in the appreciation of antique clocks and watches with the participants. He will also bring along selected items from his collection for participants to appreciate. Seminar Section 1. Explanation of Watch and Clock Classification: 2. Design and Application of Antique Watches and Clocks in Various Industries: 3. Sharing the Historical Background and Artistic Creativity 4. Repairing Antique Watches and Clocks: 5. Real Demonstrations and Explanations Free of Charge- Registration at first come first serve basis

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