Event Calendar

The next 4 Events, since 04/04/2020.

Current students activitesGeneral meetingProfessional developmentRecreationSeminar

30/01/2021Seminar Experience Sharing in CEng application
This event is organized for those who are seeking professional registration (e.g CEng) with the Engineering Council (UK) and Hong Kong Institute of Engineer (HKIE), which provides an excellent opportunity for prospective candidates to discuss their applications with Chartered Engineers. The presentation will be conducted by IGDS alumni who have obtained CEng and will focus on the following: - How to prepare the application form and professional review interview (PRI). - Tips for do’s and don’ts for professional assessment and reasons for failure. This event will be held at Webinar on 30 January 2021. The Webinar link will be sent to participants 1-2 days before. Any interested parties should be registered in IGDSAA website before 25 January 2021 by confirming your participation. For any enquires, pelase send email to secretary@igds-alumni.org for details.
26/03/2021Seminar Digital Transformation into Smart Manufacturing Facilities towards LVHM
Dr. Vincent W.C. Fung, the executive member of IGDSAA, who is the Executive Director of Kin Yat Holdings Ltd. will conduct the webinar of Digital Transformation into Smart Manufacturing Facilities towards LVHM for New Venture: Startups. Dr. Vincent Fung like to share his experience in successful case in various new startup projects through incubation workshop. The detail of programme highlighs can be referred to the flyer attachment. Interested members could click to the below link for registration and complete the online HKIE's registration form. Registration is on first-come-first-served basis. Registration deadline: 22 March 2021. (Note: It is not necessary to fill the HKIE membership no. in the Form if you was not a member of HKIE, just simply fill in N.A. is accepted.) Please also make registration in IGDS event website for record purpose. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNZgZbJdIJjVRa85Npll_jGwwIv3RA4JYXuiDUiXmWv_u7jw/viewform
16/10/2021Seminar Robotics Process Automation (RPA) in the Living World of Technology
In the seminar, the speaker will illustrate the latest advancement and the futuristic of RPA related to human in the next decade. The highlight of the seminar are: 1.) emergence of RPA 2.) evolution of RPA 3.) what is RPA 4.) What can RPA do for you Technologies are changing the world. Most researches indicated that many jobs may be destroyed in coming future. One day, you may find that a colleague sitting beside you is a "robot" which does exists in our world. Robotics process automation (RPA) is quite mature. It is time to understand digital colleagues (workers). In this semaniar, I will discuss what RPA is and RPA can do. And, explore whether it is possible to work in human-robot combination mode. The speaker-Dr. Roy Wong has more than twenty-five years hands on experience in software development, including ERP and RPA solutions. He worked in a world-class manufacturing firm for twenty years and was a Chief Technology Officer in a public-listed conglomerate. Roy acquired a Doctor of Engineering in 2020 with one granted and two pending patents. Two of patents involves machine learning and RPA technology in inventory management. This event will be held in face to face seminar with limited seat due to Convid 19. A web conference by ZOOM will be set up for those who prefer to attend the seminar online. The link of the web conference will be provided upon receiving your reply. Any interested parties should be registered in IGDSAA website, by confirming your participation. IGDSAA link :http://www.igds-alumni.org/index.php Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk for detail.
09/09/2023Seminar Introduction of Historical Antique Clock & Watch
Seminar Introduction: Mr. Derek Lee is an avid antique clock and watch collector who is knowledgeable in the history and technology of timekeeping instruments. In this presentation, he will explain how ancient engineers invented timekeeping devices that are suitable for various industries' needs and introduce the development of wristwatches and clocks, as well as their evolution in artistic design. Mr. Lee will also share his expertise and experience in the appreciation of antique clocks and watches with the participants. He will also bring along selected items from his collection for participants to appreciate. Seminar Section 1. Explanation of Watch and Clock Classification: 2. Design and Application of Antique Watches and Clocks in Various Industries: 3. Sharing the Historical Background and Artistic Creativity 4. Repairing Antique Watches and Clocks: 5. Real Demonstrations and Explanations Free of Charge- Registration at first come first serve basis

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