Event Calendar

The next 4 Events, since 26/03/2023.

Current students activitesGeneral meetingProfessional developmentRecreationSeminar

26/03/2023Recreation 春遊魔鬼山
誠邀各校友及同學參加春郊旅遊魔鬼山, 魔鬼山位於油塘鄰近市區十分方便,可以輕鬆兩小時行完,除了欣賞維港景色及遠眺新近落成蝴蝶形將軍澳大橋, 更可在山頂參觀多個於在1915年建成的歷史軍事遺跡,包括魔鬼山棱堡、歌賦炮台等。因魔鬼山行山路線的地理位置可遠眺香港島,可用作監視出入鯉魚門的船隻,所以當時的駐港英軍建立了多個軍事設施,包括炮台、交通壕、火藥庫及碉堡等,以鎮守維多利亞港的東面入口,雖然炮台早已撤走,但碉堡仍然完整,被評為二級歷史建築。繼續前往鯉魚門廢置石礦場遙望東面維港壯觀美景及鯉魚門共享海鮮午餐。 日期:26/03/2023(星期日) 集合地點:油塘地地鐵站A出口 集合時間: 9:30am 限額人數 :30人 午餐 : 自費 登記: 請於IGDSAA網頁登記,先到先得. http://www.igds-alumni.org/index.php
28/10/2023Recreation Technical Plant Visit to Farm 28
Farm 28 is located in Fung Kat Township, Kam Tin, Yuen Long. It covers an area of about 100,000 square feet. The farm grows seasonal crops according to the principles of organic farming over the seasons in the year. To ensure freshness of the crops, Farm 28 provides a unique service (Farm-to-Home delivery) that the crops is harvested in every morning and delivered to customers in the next hours. The farm is also certified by the Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre (HKORC) for crop production and over 50 crops are accredited by iFOAM. Other than wholesale vegetables, Farm 28 also runs its own retail stores in both Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun. End consumers can place order directly online. The goal of Farm 28 is to deliver healthy local organic food to customers at a reasonable price and most importantly to provide an ecosystem for environmental safe. Mr. KS Lee is the owner of Farm 28. He was an executive engineering director in one of the giant Toys company in the last 3 decades. He has a passion to bring in the “Concept of Engineering Management” into Farm 28. https://www.farm28.store/ Free of charge and first come first serve on-line registration
11/11/2023Recreation 秋爽郊遊-沙田乾隆古道畢架山遊
秋高氣爽, 是行山好時間. [畢架山]高海拔458米位於獅子山以西,九龍水塘以東一座高山,山頂設有民航署雷達站。【畢架山】山頂部分位置可俯瞰整個九龍, 也可眺望沙田城門河一帶。乾隆古道與東側並排的獅紅古道原是昔日運送沉香的必經之路,時期可追溯至明朝未年,連接著大圍地龍口與九龍㘭,是往來大圍及獅子山另類選擇。 起點 : 顯徑港鐵站A出口 終點:長沙灣 路線:顯徑⋯乾隆古道⋯回歸亭⋯畢架山⋯蘇屋邨⋯李鄭屋漢墓 (長沙灣) 距離:7KM 須時:約3-4小時 程度: 初至中級路線 注意: 帶備適當糧水, 沿途沒有補給站
27/01/2024Recreation Visiting Legislative Council Complex
Visiting Legislative Council Complex has been arranged at Saturday on 27 January 2024 and the tour will be guided by our IGDSAA's Honorary President- LegCo. Councilor Dr. Lo Wai Kwok. He will kindly as guide tour to our alumni / students around the LegCo conference room, facilities and service provided by the Complex. Interested alumni / students shall be registered in IGDSAA website by or on 23 January 2024 , in which participants name shall be submitted to LegCo for security record purpose, Late registration will not be considered after 23 January 2024. Gathering point shall be at Point C of LegCo Complex as shown on map. Participant shall strictly follow the rules of participation to the Complex.

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