Event Calendar

PMA Sharing

Event Date:Friday, 08 November, 2013Start Time:05:00 PM
End Date:Friday, 08 November, 2013Ending Time:07:00 PM
Category:Seminar   Seminar
Description:Dear Students,

Welcome to IGDS family, this course is organized by The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. After more than 20 years of continuous development, now the IGDS course is reputable both in mainland China and Hong Kong. Graduates will be able to meet the requirements of management positions in nowadays enterprises.

In order to get the qualification, there are two very important gates to pass. First, the PMA (post-module assignments) and second, the PROJECT. For the PMA, students must get a minimum pass mark, or it will lead to a re-take of module. Failed students will take months to re-take and re-do the PMA. Moreover, there is a loss of HKD12,000 on each re-take module.

According to past records, the estimated time for students to get the PMA results from the department will be about 4 to 6 months. Therefore, students will have difficulties to access their own abilities and have no idea on how to improve their performance.

- Preparation of PMA

- Common mistakes on PMA

- What is plagiarism, what are the penalties and how to avoid it

- How to get higher marks in PMA

After the presentation, there will be a Q&A session for students who are having further difficulties on PMA. Or, for students who are determined to get a distinction.

Details of PMA Sharing Session:

Date: 8 Nov 2013 (Fri.)

Time: 5 - 7PM

Venue: Room EF312, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Available seats: 50

Fees: Free of Charge for IGDS students or IGDSAA members.

Interested person please enroll by on website http://www.igds-alumni.org before 8Nov 2013


首先歡迎來到IGDS大家庭! IGDS課程是由英國華威大學和香港理工大學聯合舉辦。能夠幫助畢業生裝備自己,滿足時下企業在經理人方面的要求。

然而,在IGDS課程內有兩個十分重要的元素 - PMA和 PROJECT (論文)。 首先在總數9個PMA單元裡,學生必須獲得最低的合格分數,否則就要重讀。而這意味著它會花費你再多幾個月的時間和在金錢上每一科HKD12,000的損失。

根據過往經驗,學生需要等約4至6個月時間才拿到 PMA的成績。在這幾個月裡面,因為缺少成績和解釋,學生或者會對於如何改善和怎樣通過審核會感到困難。


- 應該如何準備PMA?

- PMA常見的錯誤?

- 什麼是抄襲,會有什麼結果? 以及如何避免?

- 如何在PMA中獲得高分數?



日期︰2013年11月8日 (星期五)

時間︰5 – 7PM



費用:免費 (只限本課程的IGDS學生或IGDSAA會員)

Venue:Room EF312, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Seat Capacity:50
Seat Remaining:1
(Even if the seat remaining is 0, you can click the join button below to register on the waiting list. We will notify you once when seats are available.)

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