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About Us

The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Manufacturing Alumni Association Limited (the IGDS Alumni) is the alumni association for graduates from the Integrated Engineering Business Management Program (IGDS, IMDS, EngD.) jointly organized by the University of Warwick and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 1990, and full time Master of Science Graduates of the Warwick Manufacturing Group in Hong Kong.



The Association was incorporated on 2 February 1998 under the former name of 'Warwick International Manufacturing Group Alumni Association Limited' with foundation reserve contributed by Ir. Cammy CHAN, Prof. Dr. Roy C.P. CHUNG, Ir. Prof. Dr. T.L. NG, Dr. K.P. PAU and Dr. Henry C. TSENG.


The Association changed to its present name in 2003 to align with the fact that IGDS awards are now jointly conferred by both universities.


The Association was legitimized the admission in December 2014 by the Federation of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alumni Associations (FHKPUAA) as a Member.



Linkage - Provide networking platform for our alumni and current students

Contribution - Contribute to the development of the Program, our two Alma Maters and the community at large

Professional development - Introduce channels for continuous professional development to our members


Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A)

The M&A was amended in the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 23 July 2005. Please click this link M&A 2005 to get the latest M&A.


Contact us

You are always welcome to raise your comment to our Association. You can contact us at


Executive Committee & Sub-Committee 2019

Honorary Advisor

Prof. Amanda L. DOWD
Prof. W.S. LAU
Prof. T.C. LEE
Prof. H.C. MAN

Honorary President

The Late Ir. Prof. Dr. T.L. NG, Founder of the Association (In perpetuity)
Prof. Dr. Roy C.P. CHUNG
Ir. Dr. Hon. W.K. LO
Dr. S.W. LUI
Dr. Stephen W.K. NG
Dr. Henry C. TSENG
Dr. Peter C.Y. WONG

Honorary Auditor

W.K. Pang & Co.

Honorary Legal Advisor


Executive Committee


Mr. Raymond C.M. KWONG

Vice President

Ms. Frances O.H. LUI

Hon. Secretary

Ms. Lornnie S.F. CHOI

Hon. Treasurer

Mr. Pedro W.K. WONG

Ordinary Committee Member

Mr. Vincent W.C. FUNG
Mr. Henry W.K. MOK
Mr. Abraham Y. WANG
Mr. Alan M.L. YICK



Mr. Paul LI
Ms. Jane WONG

Professional Development

Mr. CHAN Cho Yee
Mr. Kennex KAN
Mr. Richard TSE


Mr. Ricky SHUM
Ms. Regina WOO

Community Contribution

Ms. Minda LAI
Mr. WONG Hon Keung


Mr. Sammy POON

Student Affairs

Mr. CAI Jia Feng
Ms. WANG Yi Xuan


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Year 2021
Year 2020
Year 2019
Year 2018
Year 2017
Year 2016
Year 2015
Year 2014
Year 2013
Year 2012
Year 2011
Year 2010
Year 2009
Year 2008
Year 2007
Year 2006
Year 2005 and Before