![]() | ![]() | Membership All graduates of the Integrated Engineering Business Management Program (IGDS, IMDS, EngD.) jointly organized by the University of Warwick and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University are invited to join our Alumni Association. Through participation in our activities, you can maintain contact with fellow classmates, alumni and extend your network to meet graduates of the Warwick Manufacturing Group and Hong Kong Polytechnic University as well as members of various professional and manufacturing organizations.
We have organized various events for our fellow alumni in past years: technical visits, seminars, hiking, Christmas dinner etc. - for fun, for professional development or for linkage. We have also been coordinating the group application for IEE Chartered Engineer qualification that some alumni have achieved lately.
All of the above would not have been successful without the support of you, our fellow alumni. You are recommended to download
the Membership Application Form here, fill in and return with
payment via email or fax, or to the IGDS Office. All terms and conditions
are subject to those laid down on the Form. Joint Award graduate holders of
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The University of Warwick are eligible
to apply for the Federation Card issued by FHKPUAA. Charge is inclusive
in our membership fee for Life and Ordinary members. For details of the benefits and
privileges offered by FHKPUAA, please refer to http://fhkpuaa.org.hk/index.php?route=fhkpuaa/benefit&page=1
Membership Fee Pursuant to Article 3 of the amended Memorandum & Articles of Association passed in the Extraordinary General Meeting on 23 July 2005, there are now 2 classes of member: Life
Member - one-off membership fee HK$500
Current students will become Associates subject to approval of Executive Committee. Associates are exempted from membership fee. Membership fee can be paid by following method: 1. by cheque payable to The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Manufacturing Alumni Association Ltd. or WPUMAA and send to the IGDS Office, Room EF611, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon. 2. by direct deposit to the IGDS Alumni Hang Seng Bank account 222-4-026092 and fax your pay-in slip to fax no. 2764 4471 or scan your pay-in slip and email it to secretary@igds-alumni.org.
For identification purposes, please write your full name, year of graduation and contact telephone number at the back of your cheque or on the face of your pay-in-slip. A receipt will be issued on payment of membership fee.
Rights and Benefits Members have the right to nominate and to be elected as office bearers; to vote at General Meetings, to participate in events and enjoy benefits offered from time to time as arranged by the Alumni Association.
Obligation Members shall be responsible to update their personal information to the Alumni Association whenever there is a change.
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