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八爪魚家長 – 這樣教子女” 分享會

Event Date:Saturday, 17 August, 2013Start Time:02:30 PM
End Date:Saturday, 17 August, 2013Ending Time:03:30 PM
Category:Seminar   Seminar
Description:香港人都是八爪魚,個個都 "八爪魚甘多爪", 如何 百忙中兼顧教子女, 邊忙邊學,為子女忙得開心快樂, 一齊黎同2位八爪魚家長分享下


2位孩子父親, IGDSAA 前副會長, 跨國公司的高級區域經理, 擁有四個學位, 熱衷公益 義工服務.


同樣是2位孩子父親, 畢業後在傳媒 教育新聞工作10年, 一度為”明報’教育組組長, 多年在教育, 家長, 學校中打滾, 看盡千其百怪的家長與孩子.

日期 : 2013年8月17日(星期六)
時間 : 下午2時半至3時半

地點 : 李嘉誠樓1樓M106室

有興趣, 請登上 IGDS 網站登記


"不論你是不是CEO,作為家長,這是一本非常值得看之書 "

「八爪魚教授」 陳志輝教授  - 中文大學EMBA課程總監


「八爪魚校長」陳美梅校長 -  聖若瑟書院

“認識八爪魚家長梁永樂近十年,早覺得他對教育、親子的看法獨特(特別古靈精怪),讀他的文章也一樣「笑中有序、罵中有品」,值得捧場。 ”

「八爪魚校長」Snoopy校長林浣心  -  英華小學


「八爪魚校長」林子琪副校長 -  創價幼稚園

Topic: Working Parents Sharing Forum

Parenting has never been an easy job, especially nowadays. Striving for balance in work and family is always difficult to working parents. Work and family have exhausted most of our time and energy. How parents play and share time with our kids in good quality? How parents set up a role model to our kids?

Mr. Thomas Chiu, ex IGDSAA VP, joined the Father Club 2 years ago. He is now a Senior Regional Manager of a multinational company. He takes up numerous volunteer and charity roles in HK. He is a father of 2 sons.

Mr. Leung Wing Lok, a father of 2, over 10 years working in mass media; writing and editorial experiences in Ming Pao – Education Section.

Both Thomas and Leung are typical busy working parents in Hong Kong, love to share their views, experiences and knowledge of parenting with us.

Date : 17th Aug 2013(Sat)

Time : 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Place : Rm M106 at 1/F, Li Ka Shing Tower

Please register via IGDS website
Seat Capacity:30
Seat Remaining:23
(Even if the seat remaining is 0, you can click the join button below to register on the waiting list. We will notify you once when seats are available.)