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Visit to EuAuto and Kingdom Fine Metal Ltd. |
A total of 40 participants summoned up at Huang Gang in the early morning of 1st July and headed onto EuAuto (MyCar) in Dong Guan, then followed to Kingdom Fine Metal in Guan Lan after lunch.
We were pleased to have Zevia and Michael to explain to us the stages of concept, development, trail until its prototype of MyCar. Apart from learning the specifications and functions of different parts of the car, we could also have a close touch of several displayed models.
The building of Kingdom Fine Metal has an enchanting sky garden with conference room constructed at the roof, in which Mr. Raymond Chan, the Deputy General Manager, conducted a presentation to us about their organization, as well as their thoughts and outstanding environmental achievements. We then visited their systematic and efficient production facilities, and some of their environmental measures i.e., the solar heating system, production waste water treatment plant, the cooling system of dormitory.
Dongguan & Shenzhen
Jul 1, 2010
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Geopark visit |
Total 51 participants, including families & kids board the tour bus from Kowloon Tong to Sai Kung, then took taxi to the East Dam of High Island Reservoir where we could see, in close distance, the well arranged hexagonal volcanic columns. The tour guide explained to us in detail the formation of various geographic phenomena like faults, folds, twisted rock columns and dyke intrusions.
After lunch, we went to Ma On Shan to see one of the abandoned iron ore mine tunnel exit and learnt a bit of the old history of Hong Kong. We have to thank our two tour guides for the knowledgeable explanations.
當天一行51人#20154;, 春和日麗早上, 有一家大細樂也融融, 有一支公消 遙自樂; 有三五知己相聚一刻, 亦有手拖手雙雙對對,開開心心, 嘻嘻呵呵往郊遊去.
唔去唔知香港好…….”正”. 從未想過香港曾經有火山; 排列公整六角柱石不能不令你嘖嘖稱奇 ; 萬宜水庫”工字石”原來大有來頭 ; 馬鞍山鑛洞- 無人講, 以為不外如是的石洞, 行過算吧, 殊不知有輝煌的歷史! 今次旅程實在大開眼界, 對香港”出世”, 歷史更深刻認識.
真的,好多謝導嘗員細心安排, 亦好多謝所有舊生和你的家人, 大力支持. 縱使有很多山蚊在馬鞍山鑛洞熱情地親吻大家, 但看到各位對牠們的包容, 耐性, 各位風度, 不得不讚喔!
最後, 更要感恩上天,因為出發前兩晚還滂沱大雨, 我真的擔心活動要取消呢! 我有祈禱, 不要雨天, 不要驟雨, 更不要取消. 哈利路也!!!
May 1, 2010
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Music night |
We are chatting, listening to music, dancing, singing karaoke. Kids are playing around and dancing too. All 34 alumni and families, firends enjoyed the night very much.
Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong
Mar 27, 2010
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PolyU Alumni Homecoming Carnival |
Our game booth of throwing balls into the piegon hole was very much welcome. Our football team had hard matches against HKCCAA and LSGIAA in group A. Unfortunately, we could not get into the final.
Hong Kong Polytechnic Univeristy, Hong Kong
Mar 14, 2010
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Project expereince sharing |
Around 30 students attended the project sharing session on 6 March 2010. Sidney Tam, Best Overall Achievement 2009, and Kenneth Wong, Outstanding Project Award 2009, shared with current students on tackling the project and writing the dissertation. It was followed by small group discussions in which the studnets could ask advice from senior alumni on individual projects.
Hong Kong Polytechnic Univeristy
Mar 6, 2010
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Green Power Hike 2010 |
Our IGDS Alumni Team comprised of 6 young and energetic members have easily finished the hike.
Aberdeen Country Park
Feb 6, 2010
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Seminar on Electrical Vehicle & Charging Infrastructure |
Organized by SOEHK and supported by varioius assoications including our IGDS Alumni, Mr. Ron Chung, Senior
Strategic Planner of CLP Power Hong Kong presented the pilot plan and challenges of an electrical vehicle charging system in Hong Kong. The lecture hall was packed with about 200 participants, interested to learn what the future transport mode would be.
Hong Kong Polytechnic Univeristy
Jan 29, 2010
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Seminar on Energy Audit |
Organized by CIWEM, HKIE (Environmental Division), SOEHK and supported by The IGDS Alumni, the lecture theatre was packed with 160 members from above organisations learning from Mr. Robert Allender the importance of performing an energy audit for buildings as a first step to establish carbon footprint, follow with measures to reduce it.
Hong Kong Polytechnic Univeristy, Hong Kong
Jan 15, 2010
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