<冰山下的危機>: 李樂詩博士心跡分享 |
WGAHK & IGDS Alumni co-organized a professional talk on "Seeing Below the Tip of the Iceberg: Experience Sharing by Dr Rebecca Lee ". About 40 alumni and friends were enriched by the talk of Dr. Rebecca Lee Lok-sze. Increasing global warming has brought tremendous changes to the three Poles of our earth. Mankind are threatening the world we are living and everyone of us should do something to help the earth to get better.
Jun 20, 2009
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Cyberport visit |
MILESAA and IGDSAA organize a technical visit to Cyberport on 12 June 2009. 24 alumni & students joined the visit started first by watching a 360 degree film at Visitor Centre, followed by explanation of building complex by looking at the model of Cyberport. The motion capture studio and other facilities at Digital Media Centre is amazing. Visit to the Building Management System Room and Chiller Plant Room give us an idea the energy efficiency management of property.
Jun 12, 2009
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IGDS Project experience sharing |
22 students attended the project experience sharing session on 29 May 2009. Mr. Walter Fung, distinction graduate of 2007, shared his experience on tackling the project. Afterwards, the students are divided into 4 groups for Q&A on problems they encountered in starting their project.
May 29, 2009
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Visit to HKSAR Government Standards and Calibration Laboratory |
A group of 30 students & alumni of ISE Dept. visited the HKSAR Government Standards and Calibration Laboratory. A talk on metrology system, mass & related measurements was presented with interesting feedback and questions from participants. It was ended with visit to Mass & Related Measurements Laboratory.
May 21, 2009
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horse riding and BBQ |
Our group of 27 alumni and friends learnt what equipment is needed to ride on the horse and how to be friends with horses. We have a chance to ride on horse and walk in the ring. Although time is short, we get the feeling of bumping on horse back. Don't try to kick him, he will run or shake you off his back.
Atfer the riding, we visited the stables. It's fun to feed horses with red carrots. They like it very much.
Before sunset, we moved to the fire place and started our BBQ, chating with each other while we are turning the long fork over the fire.
Mar 28, 2009
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Green Power hike |
We formed the IGDS Alumni Team with 7 team members: Jackson Wan, Kenneth Yu, Mona Ho, Michael Hui, Catherine Tsui, Nyx Yeung and Tiffany Wong to participate in the 25km rounte of Green Power hike.
Our team finished the walkathon in about 6 hrs, ranked 65 and 79 among 111 teams. It was the first time that we orgnaized our alumni to join this event, to help raise fund for environmental protection programs of Green Power.
Jackson and Mona will bring their kids to join the 10km route next year, to let their next generation know the importance of green future.
Hong Kong Island
Feb 28, 2009
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Vist to HACTL Super Terminal 1 |
The group of 20 IGDS alumni took the chance of visiting Super Terminal 1. Leaded by two HACTL senior engineers, we are able to know terminal status, different process flows, infra-structure, layout, automatic warehouses set up for pallet movement and carton movement. Lots of questions were raised and answered. The two hours tour had given us insight knowledge. We are proud to know its mechanism and effectiveness.
Hong Kong International Airport
Feb 27, 2009
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10th Anniversary Dinner |
About 140 alumni and guests joined the 10th anniversary dinner on 7 December 2008 at Craigengower Cricket Club.
Dr. W.K. Lo gave a speech on "Role of engineers in PRD - past decade and prospect ahead" to encourage our alumni to stay tuned in their profession.
A glimpse of photo slide show reminded us what we have done and enjoyed in the past decade. Hope our alumni association would continue to grow and will celebrate endless decades in future.
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Dec 7, 2008
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